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Monday, Nov 28.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, Nov 28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, Nov 28

2 Plan for the next six days:
For each day, you should take notes on CNN Student news – the usual way. And, for the “right side” of their notebooks, you should take notes on the Power Point presentations – facts in list/bullet form. Textbook Notes: Monday (51-58, 81-85) – on Geography and Ancient History in India Tuesday (76-80) – on Religion in India Wednesday (86-88) – on Caste System in India Thursday (376, ) – on British Imperialism in India Friday ( , ) – on the Indian Independence Movement

3 Mon Lesson #1 - intro to India & Geography of India; map locations Tue Lesson #2 - Ancient History Wed Lesson #3 - Religion Thu Lesson #4 – Life in India Fri Lesson #5 - British Imperialism Lesson #6 - Independence Movement movie: Gandhi movie: Gandhi & Lesson #6 - Independence Movement movie: Gandhi; discuss planning to teach Jacoby what you learned

4 What is India? After taking your notes on CNN student news (left side – be SURE to label with the date… Jot down facts from this 45 min film on Indian Geography. Each night for the next five nights you’ll have notes Be sure to take them in standard format: I. Cities of Indus Valley A. Geography 1. Subcontinent 2. Regions 3. Monsoons

5 Reminder: All of this work is due now on Monday, Dec 19
Tuesday will be per. 02 Bluebook Wednesday will be per. 03 Bluebook Cultural Experience Recipes due Thursday (two possibilities) Per. 02 – Cultural Experience will be on Wednesday, Dec. 21 Per. 03 – Cultural Experience will be on Tuesday, Dec. 20

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