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European Funding of Biodiversity Research

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1 European Funding of Biodiversity Research
European Commission DG Research Astrid Kaemena

2 EU research: the story so far
1952: ECSC treaty; first projects started March 1955 1957: Euratom treaty; Joint Research Centre set up 1983: ESPRIT programme 1984: First Framework Programme ( ) 1987: ‘Single European Act’ – science becomes a Community responsibility; Second Framework Programme ( ) 1990: Third Framework Programme ( ) 1993: Treaty on European Union; role of RTD in the enlarged EU 1994: Fourth Framework Programme ( ) 1998: Fifth Framework Programme ( ) 2000: European Research Area 2002: Sixth Framework Programme ( ) 2005: Proposal for the Seventh Framework Programme ( ) 2006: Seventh Framework Programme adopted Updated 10/10/2006 per Lars Aggerbeck – added time constraint for Euratom FO to FP7 proposal line

3 Budgets of the EU Framework Programmes 1984-2013
FP7 figures updated in Sept; 2006 to reflect May/June 2006 commission proposal The Annual Report 2003 was published in August 2004, so it contains the latest available published data. The Figures for 2012 and 2013 include projections for Euratom as shown in the Commission proposal even though the Euratom FP will run only until 2011. Budget/execution figures are for commitments in current prices and reflect the real totals shown below. Figures for recent years are provisional. Real totals for FP1-6: Original budgets for FP1-6 : NB: Budgets in current prices. Source: Annual Report 2003, plus FP7 revised proposal

4 Review of the BAP Contribution of DG RTD
SUPPORTING MEASURE B1.1.8 ACTION: Allocate adequate financial resources to European and national biodiversity research and to dissemination of its results, including under the Seventh Framework Programme [2006 onwards]. (cf Action A10.1.5)

5 Review of the BAP Contribution of DG RTD
Under FP5 39 biodiversity projects - €  Under FP6 20 biodiversity projects - €  and 13 projects focus on ecosystems - € 

6 Review of the BAP Contribution of DG RTD
Under FP7 It is difficult to provide estimates: First call projects - still under negotiation and Second call projects - the evaluation is still ongoing. 7 projects are expected to be funded for a budget of €

7 Review of the BAP Contribution of DG RTD
Infrastructure projects Only first results! FP5 21 projects - € FP6 19 projects - € (e.g. BIODIVERSA; NET-BIOME) FP7 5 Projects - € (e.g. LIFEWATCH)

8 What we are looking for:
EU Funding of Biodiversity Research What we are looking for: Scientific excellence Communication/dissemination activities Long-term availability of results Impacts Stakeholder involvement Research-policy interface

9 Thank you for your attention!
EU research: Seventh Framework Programme: Information on research programmes and projects: Updated 3/10/2006 – changed URLs and replaced address with enquiries service Updated CORDIS URL on 7/11/2006

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