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Prelim Preparation Higher & Intermediate 2.

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1 Prelim Preparation Higher & Intermediate 2

2 Texts POETRY ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s Class’ by Carol Ann Duffy DRAMA
‘A View from the Bridge’ by Arthur Miller PROSE (fiction) ‘Araby’ by James Joyce

3 Critical essays You will write TWO essays.
You will choose between three sections (poetry, drama and prose). You will have a choice of questions for each section. You must pick questions from different sections.

4 Quotations Memorising quotations Introducing quotations
Analysing quotations

5 Memorising quotations
Quality – length, techniques, relevance in terms of plot, theme, etc. Quantity – unseen question paper. Use the sheets and select your own. Memorise quotations exactly as they are laid out in the text. For poetry use a slash / to show a line break.

6 Introducing quotations

7 Introduce a quotation either by indicating what it is intended to show or by naming who said it, or both. For poetry, attribute quotations to ‘the speaker’; for a story with a narrator, to ‘the narrator.’ For plays, novels, and other works with characters, identify characters as you quote them.

8 For example [...] The speaker describes how safe she felt in Mrs Class in Stanza Two: “Mrs Tilscher loved you.” Here, Duffy uses a short sentence to reflect the simple emotions felt by the speaker at the time...

9 Analysing quotations Explain the context of the quote – where does it come in the text, what is it referring to, who says it, and why it is in the text? Write about any techniques – imagery, repetition, features of sentence structure, etc. – and say why they are effective. Write about what we gain from the quote, its impact and significance—what it the message behind the quote? What do we learn, think, understand about the theme / central concern because of the quote?

10 “Mrs Tilscher loved you.”
Here, Duffy uses a short sentence to replicate the simple language a child would use. The simple language also reflects the simple thoughts the speaker has at this point in the poem. Also, the word ‘loved’ is word choice. She could have used the word ‘liked’ here, but ‘loved’ has more impact. The connotations of this word are of feeling safe, happy and wanted. This suggests how happy the speaker felt in the class and also helps us to imaging her age as these sort of feelings are usually associated with younger children.

11 Linking This helps the reader to understand Duffy’s thoughts about growing up as the speaker is very childish at this point, which contrasts with the end of the poem. In order to understand the violent emotions that growing up provokes, it is important to first show the simplistic, childish thoughts that existed before. The speaker is happy at this point, but only because they are innocent and protected from the world by their youth.

12 Planning Picking a question Planning your essay Topic sentences
Linking to the essay question

13 Picking a question Take time to read through the essay questions carefully. Think which question best fits your knowledge and the quotations you have memorised.

14 Planning your essay Spend five minutes planning your essay using a mind map / bullet points, etc. Remember TATT, PEEL, STOP.

15 Topic sentences Each paragraph in the main body should start with a topic sentence. The should clearly state what topic the paragraph is going to be about. It should refer to the task (essay question) and any techniques, if relevant. Remember TTT – topic, task, techniques.

16 For example One way that Duffy creates an authentic childhood setting is through imagery. Another way Joyce build up to a turning point is by using foreshadowing at the start of the short story.

17 Linking to the essay question
After your analysis, it is important that you relate what you have just said to the essay question. There is no point in simply restating the essay question, you have to explain what the quotation you have just analysed reveals about this.

18 For example This is effective because these techniques reveal the age and maturity of the speaker at this point. The simple language and Duffy’s use of techniques help to portray the speaker as childishly happy; this contrasts with the end of the poem.

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