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Individual Differences: Personality, Skills, and Abilities

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1 Individual Differences: Personality, Skills, and Abilities
Chapter 4

2 Learning Objectives Define personality and describe its role in the study of organizational behavior. Identify the Big Five dimensions of personality, and elements of core self-evaluations and describe how they are related to key aspects of organizational behavior. Distinguish between positive and negative affectivity and describe its effects on organizational behavior.

3 Learning Objectives Define achievement motivation and distinguish between learning, performance, and avoidance goal orientations. Describe Machiavellianism and the differences between morning and evening persons and their role in work-related behavior. Differentiate between cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and practical intelligence and explain their influences on behavior in organizations.

4 Personality Definition Interactionalist Perspective Person-Job Fit

5 Measuring Personality
Objective Tests Projective Tests Test Properties Reliability Validity Predictive Validity

6 Big 5 Dimensions of Personality
Extraversion Agreeableness Conscientiousness Neuroticism Openness to Experience

7 Work-related Personality Aspects
Machiavellianism Achievement Motivation

8 Work-related Personality Aspects
Goal Orientation Morning vs. Evening Persons

9 Intelligence Types Cognitive Practical Emotional

10 Physical Abilities Strength Flexibility Stamina Speed

11 Social Skills Social Perception Impression Management
Persuasion and Social Influence Social Adaptability Emotional Awareness/Control

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