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KIF4 Regulates Midzone Length during Cytokinesis

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1 KIF4 Regulates Midzone Length during Cytokinesis
Chi-Kuo Hu, Margaret Coughlin, Christine M. Field, Timothy J. Mitchison  Current Biology  Volume 21, Issue 10, Pages (May 2011) DOI: /j.cub Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 KIF4 Negatively Regulates Midzone Plus-End Dynamics during Monopolar Cytokinesis (A) Representative images of different stages in monopolar cytokinesis: polarization, cortex elongation/midzone termination, and furrow ingression. Cells were fixed and stained with antibodies as labeled. (B) Summary of monopolar cytokinesis phenotypes after depleting cytokinesis proteins. Depletions of PRC1, MKLP1, RacGAP1, and Ect2 blocked the initial polarization. KIF4-depleted midzones polarized but were not terminated during monopolar cytokinesis. (C) KIF4 was required to terminate midzone plus-end dynamics in monopolar cytokinesis. HeLa cells stably expressing GFP-β-tubulin were imaged using spinning disk confocal microscopy (Movie S1 and Movie S2). Imaging started at time zero. Monopolar midzone plus ends were not polymerizing during furrow ingression in control (red arrow) but were growing toward the furrow region in KIF4-depleted cells (green arrow). (D) KIF4 was required to properly localize proteins on monopolar midzones. KIF4-depleted monopolar midzone polymerized into the furrow-like cortex region, which was marked with a dotted yellow line according to anillin localization on the cortex. Furrow regions were boxed and magnified on the right. PRC1, MKLP1, and Aurora B localized differently in the absence of KIF4 during monopolar cytokinesis. Scale bars represent 5 μm. See also Figure S1. Current Biology  , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 2 KIF4-Mediated Plus-End Termination Regulates Midzone Length in Bipolar Cytokinesis (A) KIF4 regulated constant midzone lengths during normal bipolar cytokinesis. HeLa cells expressing GFP-β-tubulin were imaged using spinning disk confocal microscopy (Movie S5 and Movie S6). Time zero was the point at which furrow ingression started. Midzone length was defined as the distance between segregated chromosomes. Note that midzone lengths were constant in control (red lines) but increased with time in KIF4-depleted cell (green lines) throughout furrow ingression. Antiparallel microtubule overlapping regions were boxed and magnified on the right. The overlaps were constant in length in controls (red arrows), but not in KIF4-depleted cells (green arrows). (B and C) Correlations between cortex elongation, midzone elongation, and furrow ingression in normal and KIF4-depleted cells. Twenty controls and ten KIF4-depleted cells stably expressing GFP-β-tubulin were measured, averaged, plotted, and grouped differently to facilitate the comparisons. Definition of cell length, midzone length, and furrow diameter are shown. Time zero referred to the point at which chromosome segregation started (anaphase onset). Error bars in (B) were standard deviations and were omitted in (C) for clarity. Coincident with furrow initiation (dotted brown line), anaphase midzone elongation was terminated in controls, but not in KIF4-depleted cells. Velocities of midzone elongation in KIF4-depleted cells were similar before and after furrow ingression (3.83 and 3.47 μm/min). The velocities of cortex elongation and furrow ingression were similar between controls and KIF4-depleted cells. (D) KIF4-depleted midzones were resistant to 10 μM nocodazole. HeLa cells expressing GFP-β-tubulin were imaged using spinning disk confocal microscopy (Movie S8). Midzone length was defined as the distance between segregated chromosomes, and nocodazole was added at time zero. KIF4-depleted midzone continuously elongated after furrow ingression (yellow arrows), which pushed chromosomes along with elongated cortex (red lines). Nocodazole stopped the continuous elongation of KIF4-depleted midzones (green arrows). The distance between chromosomes and the polar cortex increased while cortex elongation continued (blue lines). (E) Nocodazole stopped postfurrow elongation of KIF4-depleted midzones. Midzone lengths of four KIF4-depleted cells treated with 10 μM nocodazole after furrow ingression were measured, plotted, and superimposed with the midzone length plot in (C) by their lengths before nocodazole exposure. KIF4-depleted midzones were constant in length after nocodazole treatment. Scale bars represent 5 μm. See also Figure S2. Current Biology  , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

4 Figure 3 KIF4-Mediated Midzone Termination Focuses Midzone Proteins on Midzones (A) Midzone proteins relocalized differently on KIF4-depleted midzones. Cells were fixed and costained as labeled. CENPE was used as a reference for protein localization comparison. In the absence of KIF4, Aurora B preferentially relocalized to the furrow cortex. Plk1 and MKLP1 were less diffuse, and PRC1 was diffuse all along midzone microtubules, like CENPE. (B) Experiment design to replace endogenous KIF4 with mouse KIF4 using human KIF4-specific siRNA. (C) Summary of expressed mouse GFP-KIF4 (mKIF4). (D) GFP-mKIF4-FL and GFP-mKIF4-tailless focused and colocalized with PRC1 on endogenous KIF4-depleted midzones. GFP-mKIF4-headless did not focus on midzones and could not be rescued by endogenous KIF4. PRC1 focusing was rescued by GFP-mKIF4-FL and tailless, but not by headless. Scale bars represent 5 μm. See also Figure S3. Current Biology  , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

5 Figure 4 KIF4-Mediated Midzone Termination Focuses Furrow Proteins and Disassembles Actin Filaments on the Cortex (A) KIF4 was required to focus the furrow on the cortex during cytokinesis. Cells at different stages were fixed and stained with anillin as a furrow marker. Furrow regions were focusing with time in controls, but not in KIF4-depleted cells. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (B) Lengths of cell and furrow region in (A) were measured and plotted. Definitions of cell length and furrow region are shown. Data are fitted with exponential trend lines. Furrow regions were focusing while cell length was increasing in controls (purple dots and line), but not in KIF4-depleted cells (orange dots and line). Cell numbers in control = 25 and in siKIF4 = 50. (C) Thin-section EM of furrow regions in cytokinesis. KIF4 depletion caused an elongated intracellular bridge between two daughter cells. Microtubules (green arrows) were less bundled and in lower density in KIF4-depleted cells. Electron-dense materials, which coated central overlaps of midzones in controls (brown arrows), was missing in KIF4-depleted cells. The whole-cell views are shown as insets. Boxed regions are magnified on the right. (D) Thin-section EM of the furrow cortex. Long, straight actin filaments (red arrows) were observed underneath the cortex in the unfocused furrow region of KIF4-depleted cells. Electron-dense materials (white arrows) were observed coating on actin filaments, but not on microtubules (green arrow). See also Figure S4. Current Biology  , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

6 Figure 5 KIF4-Mediated Termination of Midzone Elongation Regulates Midzone Length in Cytokinesis (A) KIF4 depletion overrode BI-2536-caused block of midzone elongation. Midzone length was shorter than controls under BI-2536 treatment, but became longer than controls if KIF4 was further depleted. Midzone length was measured by the distance between chromosomes. (B) Kinesin-5 inhibitor STLC did not block midzone elongation. KIF4-depleted midzones were longer than controls and in similar lengths with or without STLC treatment. (C and D) Centralspindlin was not involved in midzone elongation. Compared to controls, MKLP1 depletion caused shorter cell length and midzones but maintained a similar midzone over cell length ratio, unless KIF4 was absent. RhoA inhibitor C3 and Myosin II inhibitor blebbistatin (Blebb), which block the cortex elongation, also caused comparable ratios. Error bars were standard deviations. Cell numbers in control = 41, in siKIF4 = 41, in siMLP1 = 41, in siKIF4/siMKLP1 = 26, in C3 = 41, and in Blebb = 68. Current Biology  , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

7 Figure 6 Model of KIF4-Mediated Midzone Plus-End Termination Regulates Midzone Length in Cytokinesis Unlike mitotic spindles regulating their length through the balance between dynamic plus ends growing and shrinking and motor-mediated microtubule sliding, midzones regulate their length through a KIF4-mediated termination of anaphase midzone elongation. Negatively regulated by PLk1, KIF4 terminates midzone elongation by inhibiting microtubule plus-end polymerization. A microtubule (MT) stabilizer, which inhibits plus-end depolymerization, provides midzone stability. Current Biology  , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions

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