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Introduction to The Writing Process

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to The Writing Process"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to The Writing Process
Using the Writing Process

2 Lesson One A Guide to Prewriting

3 Prior Knowledge All of you have written essays What were the topics?
What did you do well in the writing? What were some of your struggles?

4 In this Lesson you will learn
The prewriting strategies Choosing prewriting that is best for you Tips on your prewriting strategy Collecting details using your prewriting strategy Using Graphic Organizers List of thoughts Forming Your Thesis Statements

5 Purpose of Prewriting To help you come up with an idea to write
To develop your idea Ex: School Dress Code (Idea) Why it’s a good or bad idea to get rid of dress code (Develop)

6 Prewriting Strategies
Journal Writing Freewriting Clustering Listing/Brainstorming

7 Journal Writing Day to day writing of your thoughts and personal feelings “Blog” (Weblog) is an example of modern journal writing Example: I hate writing or I don’t know how to write What kind of feelings would you write for this journal?

8 Freewriting Write nonstop for 5-10 minutes to discover possible writing ideas. Example: You write whatever pops into your head, even if it does not make sense.

9 Clustering Start with a word that best expressed your topic. Then Cluster your ideas around the main word.

10 Sample Cluster Bears Great Spirit Turtles
Characters in Native American Myths Turtles

11 Brainstorming/Listing
Write whatever comes to mind in a list format

12 Sample Brainstorm Native American Myths Grizzly Bears Eat Salmon
Love Rivers Hibernate in Winter Punished by Great Spirit Try to create their own race

13 Practice We are going to practice all of the strategies on essay prompt you chose. #1 rule cannot stop writing until times is up! Journal Writing 3 minutes Free Writing 3 minutes Brainstorming 3 minutes Clustering 3 Minutes

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