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The Old Faithful Geyser Prognostication

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1 The Old Faithful Geyser Prognostication
Unit 2 – Graphical Representation 5/6/2019 Algebra 1 Institute

2 Old Faithful Conjecture about the time that someone might expect to wait for Old Faithful to erupt. What factors could affect that wait time? 5/6/2019 Algebra 1 Institute

3 In Groups of 4 Each group will pick two rows of the wait times found in the Old Faithful Data – Minute Between Blasts table. 5/6/2019 Algebra 1 Institute

4 Graphical Representation
Decide who in each group will create what type of graphical or tabular representation (bar graph, dot plot, stem and leaf, connected line plot). Technology can be used if preferred. 5/6/2019 Algebra 1 Institute

5 Working Individually Look over the data. Is there anything that you notice, or anything that you wonder about in your two samples of data? Create your assigned graphical representation for each the two days of data to help you visualize any patterns in the wait times. 5/6/2019 Algebra 1 Institute

6 Back in Groups of 4 Share and compare your graphical representations.
On the basis of the data, make a group decision about how long you would expect to wait between blasts of Old Faithful is you showed up at the Yellowstone Park and Old Faithfull has just finished erupting. Be prepared to present your graphs to the other groups in class and to defend your group’s data-based prediction for the expected wait time. 5/6/2019 Algebra 1 Institute

7 In Groups of 8 Did both groups share the same conclusion?
Try to make a group decision about how long to wait between blasts. Be prepared to share results and points of discussion with the rest of the class. 5/6/2019 Algebra 1 Institute

8 Extension 1 Make a scatter plot of Old Faithful wait time plotted against the immediately previous wait time. Draw reference lines (horizontal and vertical) that are the median wait time for each set of blasts. Can you find the short wait times followed by the long wait times, or the long wait times followed by the short wait times in the graph? Where do these show up? 5/6/2019 Algebra 1 Institute

9 Extension 2 Create a dot plot of the entire two weeks of data on wait times. Compare the data in your own two chosen sample days with the data from the entire data set. Do your two days appear to be representative of the entire data set? Explain Would you change your conclusion about your expected wait time on the basis of the entire two weeks’ wait times? Why or why not? Are there other data about Old Faithful that you think might provide important information for making a prediction for wait time? 5/6/2019 Algebra 1 Institute

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