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Mobile Viruses and Worms (Project Group 6) Amit Kumar Jain Amogh Asgekar Jeevan Chalke Manoj Kumar Ramdas Rao.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Viruses and Worms (Project Group 6) Amit Kumar Jain Amogh Asgekar Jeevan Chalke Manoj Kumar Ramdas Rao."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Viruses and Worms (Project Group 6) Amit Kumar Jain Amogh Asgekar Jeevan Chalke Manoj Kumar Ramdas Rao

2 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Outline Introduction Classification Threats posed by mobile worms and viruses Case Studies Futuristic Threats Protective Measures

3 Introduction

4 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Introduction What is a Mobile Virus? –Mobile : pertaining to mobile devices cell phones, smart phones, PDAs,... Mobile Virus vs. Computer Virus Mobile Malware: –Malware: Malicious Software –All kinds of unwanted malicious software

5 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Differences with PC Although similar OSes are being used, differences exist: Lesser users of mobiles are less tech literate Implies that it is difficult to rollout security patches to phones already sold Mobiles are always connected and switched on Environment keeps changing Imagine one infected phone in a stadium full of people

6 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Differences... On the positive side: Several variants of phones exist A malware for one type of phone may not necessarily be able to infect others E.g., A virus that uses an MMS exploit cannot infect a phone that does not have that facility at all Mobile malware not yet causing critical harm At most they increase the user's billing, or cause the mobile phone to stop working (can be restored by a factory reset)

7 Classification of Mobile Worms and Viruses

8 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Classification Behavior Virus Worm Trojan Environment Operating System Vulnerable Application Family name and Variant identifier

9 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Classification (examples) Source: Kaspersky Labs

10 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Mobile Virus Families The increase of known mobile malware variants Increases in known mobile malware families Complete (as of 30th August 2006) list of mobile virus families according to Kaspersky Lab classification.

11 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Current threats by mobile malware For financial gain / loss Unnecessary calls / SMS / MMS Send and sell private information Cause phones to work slowly or crash Wipe out contact books and other information on the phone Remote control of the phone Install false applications

12 Case Studies

13 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Case Study – CABIR First mobile worm Only as Proof-Of-Concept Spread vector – Bluetooth Infected file – caribe.sis 15 new variants exist

14 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Case Study - ComWar Second landmark in mobile worms Spread vector - Bluetooth and MMS Large spread area due to MMS Not as proof of concept – Intention to harm by charging the mobile user Multiple variants detected

15 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Case Study - CardTrap First cross-over mobile virus found Can migrate from mobile to PC Propogates as infected mobile application as well as Windows worm 2 variants found – Both install with legitimate applications – Black Symbian and Camcorder Pro

16 Futuristic Threats

17 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Futuristic Developments Location Tracking Camera and Microphone Bug Leaking Sensitive Information DDOS attack on Mobile Service Provider

18 Protective Measures

19 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Securing against attacks System level security MOSES Network Level Security Proactive approach

20 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses MOSES MObile SEcurity processing System –Ravi (2005) Two levels of defenses – Hardware and Software Hardware – Application Fencing Software – Encryption

21 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses MOSES Secure boot and run-time memory protection –prevents software (virus) and physical (code modication) attacks Provides crypto functions and meets performance and power targets Provides protection to any sensitive data or cryptographic keys against common attacks

22 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Proactive Approach Paper by Bose, Shin Reduce the impact of an attack Generate Behavior Vectors Form Behavioral Clusters

23 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Proactive Approach Virus Throttling Algorithm Quarantine Source: Bose, Shin (2006)

24 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses Questions???

25 31 st October 2006Mobile Worms and Viruses References Kaspersky Labs' Report on Mobile Viruses (September 2006) – – – Bluetooth vulnerabilities –Haataja, K., Two practical attacks against Bluetooth security using new enhanced implementations of security analysis tools, CNIS 2005, Arizona, USA, November 14-16, 2005. – – Protective Measures: –MOSES: sravi/security.htm –Bose, Shin, Proactive Security for Mobile Messaging Networks, WiSe '06, September 29, 2006.

26 Thank You

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