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The Middle Ages.

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1 The Middle Ages

2 Medieval Church Roman Empire split into East and West There was also a split in the church (Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox) With little political unity, the pope became very powerful Those who challenged Catholic teachings were executed as heretics

3 Fall of Rome Goths rebelled against the Romans
Goths had two main groups (Visigoths and Ostrogoths) Goths conquered much of the Western Empire Visigoths established a Germanic kingdom in Italy and Western Empire lost forever Influence of Rome lived on in Romance languages

4 Charlemagne Leader of the Franks
Launched a military campaign that conquered most of western and central Europe 800 AD--pope crowned him emperor of the Romans He helped unify Europe and reinforced the power of the Roman Catholic Church

5 Feudal System A system of promises that governed the relationship between lords and vassals Kings and queens were at the top of feudal society, nobles were next, followed by knights then peasants Large estates owned by a knight or lord was called a manor Serfs were workers tied to the land on which they worked Church gained influence while bishops and priests gained wealth

6 Black Death Many died as a result of the bubonic plague
Began in Asia and made its way along the trade routes to Europe Was carried by fleas on rats As people died, production, trade, and supplies of labor decreased

7 Innovations at Sea Cannon- guns that could fire great distances Telescope- used to see things far away Astrolabe- helped sailors determine location Compass-used magnetic field to determine location Lateen Sail- triangular sail Frigate- ship built for war Galleon- large ship used to trade, but armed Caravel- small, fast, maneuverable ships

8 Prince Henry the Navigator
From Portugal Began an Age of European Exploration Hired scientists and inventors to help make long voyages possible He hired sailors to explore the African coast He encouraged sailors to push the limits and sail further than ever before This is part of Unit 8, but is on the iLEAP assessment guide, so try to remember him!

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