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Our data is in… Now what do we do?

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1 Our data is in… Now what do we do?



4 Schools must ask four critical questions …
1. What is it we want our students to learn? 2. How will we know when they’ve learned it? 3. What are we prepared to do as a school when they’re not learning? 4. What are we prepared to do as a school when they already know the content? Richard DuFour, 2004.“Whatever It Takes”


6 Do Study Act Plan Inform
(Inside and Outside)

7 Where do you start? Beginning with the End in Mind Understand the Data Evidence Understand the Standards

8 First, we must enjoin teachers to see that the assessment is not the enemy; the real problem is our failure to teach — as effectively as we can — to the assessed standards. Michael Schmoker - SEDLetter Issue “Within Our Reach: Higher Student Achievement” Volume XIV, Number 2, May 2002

9 Learning-centered Instruction
Standards provide the focus. They provide the yardstick for evaluating all aspects of schooling.

10 According to Larry Ainsworth, the major components of a standards- based instruction and assessment system include: 1. Identifying the Power (Essential) Standards - Blueprint 2. “Unwrapping” the standards; Creating Big Ideas and Essential Questions 3. Creating formative and summative assessments 4. Collaborative scoring of student work, including implications for grading 5. Data-driven instructional decision making, including implications for intervention and acceleration

11 Where do you start? Beginning with the End in Mind Understand the Data Evidence Understand the Standards

12 Cell- 580-334-7547
Patty Sweet Cell

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