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Steps of Pilots under environmental acquis
Starts with a group of MS; mapping INSPIRE and reporting requirements; results are tested, agreed with the thematic community, Member States representatives /Expert groups and EEA: Consolidated results are then extended to all countries and final data flow adjusted Guidelines for reporting < > conform to INSPIRE produced Intermediary measures planned if necessary Check links with related policies Operational process in place for eReporting
Pilots under environmental acquis
Air Quality as part of modernising the AQ directive 1st pre-operational INSPIRE conformant reporting: Start 2011/12 - substantial preparation over more than 2 years Testing with many pilot countries (e.g. UK, DE …) > many INSPIRE related fields not yet populated by MS > substantial effort as part of a thematic restructuring EEA in cooperation with JRC and DG ENV related Unit(s) Operational reporting for EIONET countries in September 2014 in collaboration with JRC and DG ENV related Unit(s)
Pilots under environmental acquis
Water Framework Directive (WISE) In support of the 2016 Riverbasin Management Plans reporting Start mid 2014 Inclusion of INSPIRE conformant data elements into the WFD reporting guidance After a mapping of needed changes, selected update of the reporting schemas > Only partial INSPIRE conformance achievable due to time constraints > Currently no INSPIRE network services involved due to lack in MS EEA in cooperation with JRC and DG ENV related Unit(s)
Pilots under environmental acquis
Urban Waste Water Directive (WISE) New SIIF based UWWTD reporting Start mid 2013 Piloting with 3 countries (CY, SI, LT) – partially IR Metadata and datamodel made INSPIRE conformant Ability of countries to deliver (INSPIRE conformant) webservices tbd > difficulties in finding experienced consultancy support > usefulness and cost efficiency of network services unclear EEA in cooperation with DG ENV related Unit(s)
Pilot under EEA/EIONET workprogram
Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) Based on protected sites and area management dataspecs Start early 2013 – current phase closed Oct. 2014 Development of transformations to INSPIRE schemas and delivery of INSPIRe confomant GML Currently testing with pilot countries AT, ES, FI, FR, NL, NO, SI, SK > high resource efforts (consultant cost, human resources incl. MS) > many open questions due to lacking INSPIRE implementation experiences EEA linked to ETC/Biodiv and related DG ENV related Unit(s) Plans to extend to protected areas related aquis reporting
Pilots under environmental acquis
Marine Pilot: to support MSFD being compliant with INSPIRE (Art. 19) Under ISA programme (EULF Action at JRC) Status: Project description sent for consultation; Includes: Overview of MSFD requirements in relation of INSPIRE; specific transformation of the required data to derive descriptors (Eutrophication, Hazardous substances, Biological diversity), metadata and services Kick-off with 3 countries (DK, NL, DE) done Extended to other MS after first results approved Involvement: DIKE, TG; MIG; EEA; DG ENV
Current initiatives to pave the way
Explain how INSPIRE applies to a certain policy domain and how to use INSPIRE for its requirements / use case(s) Minerals Intelligence Network for Europe (Mineral4EU) JRC as INSPIRE advisor, in view of future EU Raw material intelligence knowledge network - To make sure that resulting system is in line with the requirements (Implementing rules) of INSPIRE and that the system (services) are implemented by consortium partners (32): 1) utilizing fully the objects defined by relevant INSPIRE data themes (Mineral resources and Geology) + defining the necessary extensions (e.g. for waste material – for secondary minerals) 2) consolidation of the terminology used (INSPIRE code lists and their values + extensions from IUGS-CGI work (GeoSciML, EarthResourceML) 3) support to the project participants with provision of INSPIRE based services
Current initiatives to pave the way
Explain how INSPIRE applies to a certain policy domain and how to use INSPIRE for its requirements / use case(s) (cont.) Human Health policy with: DG SANCO and Experts Group on Health Information (EGHI) DG JRC Institute for Health and Consumer Protection; European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDIC) Flood Hazard/Risk Mapping/Reporting with: Flood Reporting drafting team Working Group on Floods
Current initiatives to pave the way
Explain how INSPIRE applies to a certain policy domain and how to use INSPIRE for its requirements / use case(s) (cont.) Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (IED) / European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) Regulation 166/2006 with DG ENV C3 Major Accident Hazards Bureau / SEVESO with JRC, Institute for Protection & Security of Citizen; DG ENV C3 eSPIRS/SEVESO: Implementing Decision now explicitly requires that eSPIRS to be INSPIRE-compliant: MAHB has started detailed analysis and preliminary roadmap in partnership with the JRC-INSPIRE Team Joint meeting with DG ENV C3
Current initiatives to pave the way
2. Trainings on INSPIRE for the Commission services Three types of trainings: General INSPIRE Applying INSPIRE in thematic domains Hands-on technical training (transformation, set-up services, metadata,…. DG JRC in Ispra: 4 done + 4 planned DGs in Brussels: 2 done + 2 planned DGs in Luxembourg: 1 done + 1 planned
Current initiatives to pave the way
3. Pilots: using INSPIRE for well described use case based on implementing requirements of thematic legislation, Outside the environmental acquis Transportation pilot of EULF (sharing data between public road authorities & private sector): initiated and going on Energy performance of buildings, Energy Efficiency, Renewable energy Directives & INSPIRE; Covenant of Mayors, EULF: pre- pilot study under preparation
Role of MIG and MIF MIG-P & NCPs to communicate with MS authorities in charge of thematic policy and EIONET representatives as part of National coordination of INSPIRE MIG-P & NCPs to coordinate the INSPIRE implementation with MS authorities in charge of thematic policy implementation MIG-P to coordination between INSPIRE (including MIG-T) and thematic Commission Expert Groups Participation of experts –Pool of experts- to follow and review the pilot as INSPIRE implementation, To bring to MIWP 14 (and others) implementation relevant issues To use the National INSPIRE geoportal, services, M&R,
Role in review new application schemas regarding INSPIRE compliance?
Why part of MIFWP (21) Keep harmonized and proper implementation of INSPIRE consistent applications extended for different use cases / policies / eReporting Consistent use of INSPIRE infrastructure (geoportal, registries, services Reflect these applications in INSPIRE M&R Accelerate implementation to harvest benefits - Exchanging experiences - Applying INSPIRE to other policies Role in review new application schemas regarding INSPIRE compliance?
Why part of MIFWP (21) Registry of application schemas (publically available) - Agreed procedure to introduce a new application schema with the stamp of INSPIRE compliant Technical Guidelines on applying INSPIRE to <use case> or reporting under <policy measure> (publically available) Reusable tools / exchange of good practices Feedback to implementation and maintenance of INSPIRE data and services
Why part of MIFWP -21 Propose Workshop MIG-P or NCPs and equivalent Commission Expert Groups for other environmental policies To encourage coordination & to start answering: • How well does the implementation process is in place or planned? • Do we need any changes? • What are actions that should be taken next? Who to invite? Try to cover water, biodiversity, waste, air?....
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