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Slovakia – OZ PES IFQ.

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1 Slovakia – OZ PES IFQ

2 Short content We have participated in this project as a partner organisation with the emphasis on the implementation of the outputs of the project. The organisation has currently been preparing for the accreditation process on Ministry of Education with adaptation of the course to Slovak conditions. Within the organisation 6 people have participated in the project. We gained some skills and abilities in area of implementation of the project on international level. Within the region itself we asked to participate in about 20 participants from restaurants. We organised 4 meetings for the staff from the area of food industry and catering (restaurants). Within dissemination we had had some articles published in local and regional press. As to the outputs of the project we have all agreed that this course is perfect for sort of “beginners“ in work in food industry and restaurant service or the staff. From point of view of financing, the activities were postponed till the financial support was provided. Co-financing was not a problem. Workers of our organisation participated on all of the planned events. Our priorities of our organisation were mainly gaining some experience in terms of international cooperation and accreditation of the course adapted to Slovak conditions.


4 Target New course in our region. Output for our organization –
Training courses International cooperation Positive examples for practice Acreditation

5 Output cooperation with local business and industry
emergence of a new course for the region Cooperation with NGO and local public organization City Hall, office, school International cooperation



8 Geografical area Concerning Slovak partner, cooperation was mostly on area of the town or the district of the town of Sabinov. We asked 31 businessmen to cooperate, from those 10 were chosen to be part of the project.


10 The priority in choice was mostly willingness of businessmen to cooperate with the organisation. The second criterion was need for development of the regions and possibilities to offer course to beginning businessmen. The reason for such definition of the target group was mainly the interviews with existing enterprises. Businessmen would support such form of education for beginning businessmen but it seemed less interesting and appropriate for the existing ones. The reason for that is the strict control of such norms governed by state and control organisations.

11 Incorporation activity
As to the project some objectives were too high, mainly concerning the food stamp and the audits. The enterprises are protected by the business secrecy and even in case of the project we could not release some of the outputs which could be detrimental to the repute of the enterprise. So as the continuance of the project for Slovak partner the crucial was structure of committee of experts and preparation of criteria of evaluation. Then it is registration of the stamp. But in these case the budget was too low and it was not possible to fulfil all of these activities on 100%. So we prepared 3 trainings – the first one for employees, the second one for businessmen or owners of the enterprises and the third one for workers from the enterprises in food industry. On these trainings we mostly focused on feedback and whether the pedagogic kit is appropriate or not for needs of Slovak partner.

12 Quality food stamp In this case, the food stamp must be registered and evaluation committee needs to be put together. As to this project the budget was too low for this activity and it was not possible to fulfil all of these activities. From point of view of experience the organisation has to have certain reputation within the evaluation of enterprises and consecutively give the food stamp. The second important thing is for example hygiene documents of evaluators and keeping of the business secrecy. Similar quality stamps are provided by ISO norms.

13 Thank you for your attention

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