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1 [Next steps or other info on your program here]
This brochure was brought to you by Get the Facts Out: Changing the Conversation around STEM Teaching [Next steps or other info on your program here] [more space for info about your program] This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos & Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Most people underestimate teacher salaries by $10,000-$30,0001 Physics teachers report equal or higher job satisfaction than other STEM professionals4 Physics teachers are in high demand1 Most teaching jobs have better retirement benefits than private industry2 Physics teachers report equal or higher intellectual challenge in their jobs than other STEM professionals4 You can get a job almost anywhere as a physics teacher5 There are student loan forgiveness programs and scholarships for science and math teachers3 Over 78% of middle and high school teachers are still in the classroom at year 56 Teaching is one of the best ways to work abroad, teaching physics in an American school1 Teachers are 6X more likely to say that they make a difference in people’s lives than other STEM professionals1 [your URL] and For one-on-one advice, contact Professor [last name] at [ address]

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