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Go mobile! Or not? (Loud thinking for discussion) What means mobile? For our discussion: portable devices with connectivity to Internet (phone, tablet,

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Presentation on theme: "Go mobile! Or not? (Loud thinking for discussion) What means mobile? For our discussion: portable devices with connectivity to Internet (phone, tablet,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Go mobile! Or not? (Loud thinking for discussion) What means mobile? For our discussion: portable devices with connectivity to Internet (phone, tablet, laptop…)

2 What do people seek in libraries? Books or other information sources (for learning, reusing, entertaining…) Use Internet for searching the topic of interest Space for thinking Help of professionals ….

3 Users : Wish-list for Library of the Future (IFLA) Ease of access - as much content as possible online and remotely accessible from wherever, using any device at hand (24/7) Ease of search across databases and available content assets, Richness of content, Affordable services Content translated into the languages that they understand, Easy access to resource persons/librarians

4 What libraries need? Re-think the environment in which our users work Involve users Market own services, bring them to users, awareness of services is vital Be active! Become the part of everyday life! Imagine…

5 Why to go mobile? From Top 10 Mobile subscripti ons in milions Populatio n in milions %Library users % China (1)1,155.31,344.185.9151601091,1 USA(3)321.7311.6103.323027073373 Russia(6)227.1141.9 6000467442 Germany (9) 112.781.7137.91137138414 Source: mobithinking,ALA,OCLC, Search Engine Watch

6 ALA library report More and more people turn to e-reading Pew Internet and American Life study (2012): Pew Internet and American Life study Good news: 88% of those who read e-books also read printed books age 16+E-book reading (%)Printed book reading (%) 20122367 20111672


8 232 mobile screen types? Before you get lost.. Define your mobile strategy (what, why, for whom, for how much) mobile vs responsive design Collaborate: – Contact your IT service for considering the BYOD policies valid in your institution (if any) – Contact your web suppliers for finding out what are the responsive design constraints – Consider the Data protection issues especially if you will use SAAS or cloud services – Consider copyright issues – Check whether your library system provider has a mobile support – Prepare for change management (transition of services…) Watch the development Exchange with colleagues, exploit the knowledge in professional social media

9 Mobile friendly information service Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki ( Libraries to Go: Mobile Tech in Libraries. Comprehensive Slideshare presentation that reviews how libraries can use and develop mobile technologies. Access: presentation. presentation Library in Your Pocket: Strategies and Techniques for Developing Successful Mobile Services strategies-and-techniques-developing-successful-mobile-services Sample of mobile services: – Catalogue – Tour – Orientation in shelving – Opening hours – List of e-book titles available for mobile devices – marketing

10 tools/mobile-site/ democracy/home

11 Mobile Phone to Check Out Books from RFID Library: Utrecht University Library mobile website

12 What is your experience?

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