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Xquery Slides From Dr. Suciu.

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1 Xquery Slides From Dr. Suciu

2 FLWR (“Flower”) Expressions

3 FOR-WHERE-RETURN Find all book titles published after 1995:
Result: <title> abc </title> <title> def </title> <title> ghi </title> for $x in doc("bib.xml")/bib/book where > 1999 return $x/title doc(“bib.xml”) in freexml editor by default looks for bib.xml in the default directory where it was installed

4 FOR-WHERE-RETURN Equivalently (perhaps more geekish)
FOR $x IN > 1995] /title RETURN $x And even shorter: > 1995] /title

5 FOR-WHERE-RETURN Find all book titles and the year when they were published: for $x in doc("bib.xml")/bib/book return <answer> <what> {data($x/title)}</what> <when> </answer> We can construct whatever XML results we want !

6 Answer <answer> <what>TCP/IP Illustrated</what>
<when>1994</when> </answer> <what>Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment</what> <when>1992</when> <what>Data on the Web</what> <when>2000</when> <what>The Economics of Technology and Content for Digital TV</what> <when>1999</when>

7 FOR-WHERE-RETURN Notice the use of “{“ and “}”
What is the result without them ? FOR $x IN doc("bib.xml")/bib/book RETURN <answer> <title> $x/title/text() </title> <year> $x/year/text() </year> </answer>

8 Aggregates Find all books with more than 3 authors:
FOR $x IN doc("bib.xml")/bib/book WHERE count($x/author)>3 RETURN $x for $l in distinct-values(doc("bib.xml")//author/last) return <last>{ $l }</last> count = a function that counts avg = computes the average sum = computes the sum distinct-values = eliminates duplicates

9 Aggregates <answer> { for $b in doc(“bib.xml")//book
let $c := $b/author return <book>{ $b/title, <count>{ count($c) }</count>}</book> }</answer>

10 XQuery Find books whose price is larger than average: <answer> {
for $b in doc("bib.xml")/bib let $a := avg($b/book/price/text()) for $x in $b/book where ($x/price/text() > $a) return $x }</answer> LET binds a variable to one value; FOR iterates a variable over a list of values

11 FOR v.s. LET FOR $x IN /bib/book
Returns: <result> <book>...</book></result> ... FOR $x IN /bib/book RETURN <result> { $x } </result> LET $x := /bib/book RETURN <result> { $x } </result> Returns: <result> <book>...</book> <book>...</book> ... </result>

12 For vs Let (cont’d) for $i in (1, 2, 3), $j in (4, 5, 6) return
<tuple> <i>{ $i }</i> <j>{ $j }</j> </tuple> for $i in (1, 2, 3) let $j := "a" return <tuple><i>{ $i }</i><j>{ $j }</j></tuple> for $i in (1, 2, 3) let $j := ( 4 to 6) return <tuple> <i> { $i }</i> <j>{ $j }</j> </tuple>

13 XQuery: Nesting For each author of a book by Morgan Kaufmann, list all books she published: FOR $b IN doc(“bib.xml”)/bib, $a IN $b/book[publisher /text()=“Morgan Kaufmann”]/author RETURN <result> { $a, FOR $t IN $b/book[author/text()=$a/text()]/title RETURN $t } </result>

14 XQuery Result: <result> <author>Jones</author>
<title> abc </title> <title> def </title> </result> <author> Smith </author> <title> ghi </title>

15 Inverting Hierarchy List of titles published by each publisher
<listings> { for $p in distinct-values(doc("bib.xml")//publisher) order by $p return <result> { $p } for $b in doc("bib.xml")/bib/book where $b/publisher = $p order by $b/title return $b/title } </result> </listings>

16 SQL and XQuery Side-by-side
Find all product names, prices, sort by price Product(pid, name, maker, price) FOR $x in doc(“db.xml”)/db/Product/row ORDER BY $x/price/text() RETURN <answer> { $x/name, $x/price } </answer> XQuery SELECT, x.price FROM Product x ORDER BY x.price SQL

17 Answers <answer> <name> abc </name>
<price> 7 </price> </answer> <answer> <name> def </name> <price> 23 </price> </answer> Name Price abc 7 def 23 . . . Notice: this is NOT a well-formed document ! (WHY ???)

18 Producing a Well-Formed Answer
<myQuery> { FOR $x in doc(“db.xml”)/db/Product/row ORDER BY $x/price/text() RETURN <answer> { $x/name, $x/price } </answer> } </myQuery>

19 Xquery’s Answer <myQuery> <answer>
<name> abc </name> <price> 7 </price> </answer> <answer> <name> def </name> <price> 23 </price> </answer> </myQuery> Now it is well-formed !

20 SQL and XQuery Side-by-side
Product(pid, name, maker, price) Company(cid, name, city, revenues) Find all products made in Seattle FOR $r in doc(“db.xml”)/db, $x in $r/Product/row, $y in $r/Company/row WHERE $x/maker/text()=$y/cid/text() and $y/city/text() = “Seattle” RETURN { $x/name } XQuery SELECT FROM Product x, Company y WHERE x.maker=y.cid and“Seattle” SQL FOR $y in /db/Company/row[city/text()=“Seattle”], $x in /db/Product/row[maker/text()=$y/cid/text()] RETURN { $x/name } Cool XQuery

21 <product> <row> <pid> 123 </pid> <name> abc </name> <maker> efg </maker> </row> <row> …. </row> </product> <product> </product>

22 SQL and XQuery Side-by-side
For each company with revenues < 1M count the products over $100 SELECT, count(*) FROM Product x, Company y WHERE x.price > 100 and x.maker=y.cid and y.revenue < GROUP BY y.cid, FOR $r in doc(“db.xml”)/db, $y in $r/Company/row[revenue/text()< ] RETURN <proudCompany> <companyName> { $y/name/text() } </companyName> <numberOfExpensiveProducts> { count($r/Product/row[maker/text()=$y/cid/text()][price/text()>100]) } </numberOfExpensiveProducts> </proudCompany>

23 SQL and XQuery Side-by-side
Find companies with at least 30 products, and their average price SELECT, avg(x.price) FROM Product x, Company y WHERE x.maker=y.cid GROUP BY y.cid, HAVING count(*) > 30 An element FOR $r in doc(“db.xml”)/db, $y in $r/Company/row LET $p := $r/Product/row[maker/text()=$y/cid/text()] WHERE count($p) > 30 RETURN <theCompany> <companyName> { $y/name/text() } </companyName> <avgPrice> avg($p/price/text()) </avgPrice> </theCompany> A collection

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