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IEEE TGmc Mar 2013 Agenda Date: Authors: March 2013

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Presentation on theme: "IEEE TGmc Mar 2013 Agenda Date: Authors: March 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 IEEE 802.11 TGmc Mar 2013 Agenda Date: 2013-03-21 Authors: March 2013
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 IEEE TGmc Mar 2013 Agenda Date: Authors: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

2 July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 Abstract This presentation contains the IEEE TGmc agenda for the March 2013 session. Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

3 TGmc Agenda March 2013 Monday PM1 Wednesday PM1 Wednesday PM2
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 TGmc Agenda Monday PM1 Chair’s Welcome, Status, Review of Objectives, Approve agenda, minutes Editor’s Report Timeline and Schedule Comment resolution – Editor discuss Wednesday PM1 Motions Comment resolution –CID 1394, MAC comments Wednesday PM2 Comment Resolution - Security, Mesh, MAC comments Tuesday PM1 13/293– Yaron Alpert Comment resolution –Editor Review, “Trivial technical” Thursday PM1 Motion, Comment Resolution –Editorial Discuss and Review, 13/360 13/0012, 13/0013 Tuesday PM2 Comment Resolution - Ashley, Scope of editorial comments Thursday PM2 Comment Resolution – CID 32, MAC Motions Plans for May, AOB Attendance reminder: Documents: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

4 TGmc – Monday PM1 March 2013 Call Meeting to Order
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 TGmc – Monday PM1 Call Meeting to Order Policies and Procedures, Attendance reminder **IEEE Patent Policy Are there any patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for the use of that standard? Minute any responses that were given, specifically the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that were identified (if any) and by whom. ** Read slide deck *** Note especially items #7 & #11 Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

5 July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 Please review the documents at the following links: -  IEEE Patent Policy -  -  Patent FAQ -  -  LoA Form -  -  Affiliation FAQ - -  Anti-Trust FAQ -  -  Ethics -  -  IEEE Working Group P&P -      802 WG P&P: New 802 LMSC P&P: New 802 LMSC OM: Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

6 Logistics Attendance recording procedures Documentation
July 2010 May 2010 doc.: IEEE /0503r4 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 Logistics Attendance recording procedures See 11-09/0246r0 Must register before logging attendance Must log attendance during each 2 hour session Documentation Use “TGm” for documents relating to the Revision PAR Slide 6 Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Page 6 Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Michael Montemurro, Research in Motion

7 Monday PM1 (continued) Objectives Approve prior meeting minutes
July 2010 May 2010 doc.: IEEE /0503r4 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 Monday PM1 (continued) Objectives Comment resolution Approve prior meeting minutes Motion to approve: Moved: Jon Rosdahl, Second: Mike Montemurro, Result: Approved by unanimous consent Editor’s Report (Adrian Stephens) Draft Status Comment Status Slide 7 Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Page 7 Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Michael Montemurro, Research in Motion

8 July 2010 May 2010 doc.: IEEE /0503r4 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 TGmc Plan of Record 20 July 2012 – 12 Sept 2012 – Call for Comment/Input 29-30 Aug 2012 – NesCom, SASB PAR Approval Sept 2012 – Begin to process input Sept 2012 – 11aa, 11ae integration Jan – First WG Letter ballot - without 11ad Dec 2012 – March/May – 11ad integration – May/July ballot on D2.0 Dec 2013 – March 2014 – 11ac integration Feb 2014 – Mandatory Draft Review Feb-March 2014 – Form Sponsor Pool (45 days) April/May – Initial Sponsor Ballot TBD – integration of additional completed amendments (e.g. 11af) Nov 2014 – WG/EC Final Approval March 2015 – RevCom/SASB Approval Slide 8 Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Page 8 Michael Montemurro, Research in Motion Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

9 Advancing the “Needs Submission” Category Comments
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 Advancing the “Needs Submission” Category Comments Please review the comments with “Needs Submission” in Ad-Hoc status category (Column W) in in Are there any CIDs that should not be so categorized? If so, please notify the chair Proposal is to Assign submission to commenter If no submission received, reject comment with “insufficient detail provided” reason Additionally mark CIDs 1010, 1078, 1640, 1417(same as 1640) as “Needs Submission” Any disagreement, please notify the chair Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

10 Motion 23 Moved: Adrian Stephens Seconded: Stephen McCann
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 Motion 23 Approve comment resolutions to comments in in the Ready for Motion- Reviewed and Ready for Motion - Editorials Tabs Moved: Adrian Stephens Seconded: Stephen McCann Result: Passes Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

11 Motion 24 Moved: Mark Hamilton Seconded: Stephen McCann
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 Motion 24 Approve comment resolutions to comments in Motion MAC-F Motion MAC-G Tabs Moved: Mark Hamilton Seconded: Stephen McCann Result: Passes Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

12 Motion 25 Resolve CID 1020 with the following resolution:
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 Motion 25 Resolve CID 1020 with the following resolution: REVISED (GEN: :19:30Z) insert the term "GCR" at the beginning of title at (p D1.0) and resolve CID 1394 with the following resolution: REVISED (GEN: :41:51Z) Implement the changes as documented in 11-13/384r0. Moved: Jon Rosdahl Seconded: Vinko Erceg Result: Passes Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

13 March – May Meeting Planning
July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 March – May Meeting Planning Objectives Comment resolution Conference Calls 10am Eastern 2 hours April 5, 12, 19, 26 Ad-Hoc meeting – none Schedule review Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

14 July 2010 doc.: IEEE /0291r0 March 2013 References Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks Dorothy Stanley, Aruba Networks

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