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Presentation on theme: "Federalism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federalism

2 Federalism

3 Types of Constitutional Powers

4 Types of Delegated Powers

5 Types of Delegated Powers

6 Types of Delegated Powers

7 Powers Denied to the National Government

8 Reserved Powers

9 Powers denied to the States

10 Exclusive Powers

11 Supremacy Clause

12 Supreme Court

13 National Government’s Obligation to States

14 National Government’s Obligation to States

15 National Government’s Obligation to States

16 Admitting New States

17 Admitting New States

18 Admitting New States

19 Cooperative Federalism

20 Grants in Aid

21 Categorical Grants

22 Other Grants

23 Interstate Relations

24 Interstate Relations

25 Interstate Relations

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