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Yeah, but…WHAT IF Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement

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Presentation on theme: "Yeah, but…WHAT IF Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement"— Presentation transcript:

1 Yeah, but…WHAT IF Creating a Culture of Continuous Improvement
Dr. Jana Parker and Dr. Howard Fields III

2 WHAT IF …you could create a culture where students had voice and choice? Various examples of what that could/ should look like… Flipgrid, Seesaw, Booksnaps, Kidblog, student surveys, community involvement Personalization v differentiation v individualization

3 WHAT IF …the concept of fail forward was universal among staff?

4 WHAT IF …change was sought after instead of resisted?

5 WHAT IF …students were a part of how their learning environment should be designed? Print off numerous pictures of learning spaces on card stock to be handed out during the discussion. Possibly do the notecard activity…

6 WHAT IF …the idea of living on an island no longer existed?
PLN, Twitter, Voxer

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