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Setting Up Our Interactive Notebooks

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Presentation on theme: "Setting Up Our Interactive Notebooks"— Presentation transcript:

1 Setting Up Our Interactive Notebooks
Watch me closely for instructions.

2 Setting Up Our Interactive Notebooks
Step 1: Number your notebook pages 1-25 Don’t forget to use the backside of pages too!

3 Step 2: Create your Notebook Title Page (should cover whole page)
Your Name U.S. History Mr. Branham Your Class Period

4 Step 3: Create your Age of Exploration Title Page on Page #3
***These boxes should take up two-thirds of the page*** World Geography U.S. Geography Christopher Columbus Explorers/ Areas Explored Columbian Exchange Reasons for Exploration

5 Final Step: Create your first warm-up page on page #4
In the title space write: “Warm Ups 8/23 - 9/1” (You must write the question and answer to all warm-ups)

6 Setting Up Our Interactive Notebooks

7 Make Your Own Seal This “seal of you” will become your journal cover so it needs to look nice!!! Ideas include: Pictures of favorite food Favorite subject in school Favorite animal Favorite sport Favorite TV Show/Movie Whatever you find interesting/pretty Items that represent your personality Due Monday 8/28 Effort / Neatness: 50% At least 4 appropriate symbols that represent you: 50% How will you be graded?

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