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Who is Mr. Belyea??? & Class Charter of Rights and Freedoms

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Presentation on theme: "Who is Mr. Belyea??? & Class Charter of Rights and Freedoms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who is Mr. Belyea??? & Class Charter of Rights and Freedoms

2 Mr. Belyea land Lacrosse would be as popular as hockey in Canada, Baseball and Football in the United States, and Soccer in the rest of the World

3 Food Almond butter is as cheap as Peanut Butter!
Great Japanese food is easy to find!

4 Great Italian food and grocery stores everywhere!

5 Weather Always be sunny!!
And cold enough to play hockey outside...Only during the winter

6 Roads All roads are skate able, anyone can skate anywhere

7 Random Facts I was born in Toronto, and have lived in Halifax and Ottawa. I consider Ottawa my hometown! I also LOVE HISTORY!!


9 Canadian Bill of Rights and Freedoms
It is hereby (now) recognized (accepted) and declared (said) that in Canada there have existed and shall continue to exist without discrimination by race, national origin, colour, religion or sex the following human rights and fundamental (basic) freedoms, namely The right of the individual to live, liberty (freedom), security (safety) of the person and enjoyment (delight or joy) of property, and the right not the be deprived (taken away) thereof except by due process of law

10 The right of the individual to equality (fairness) before the law and the protection of the law
Freedom of religion Freedom of speech Freedom of assembly and association (to form groups) Freedom of press

11 Write down 3-6 common individual rights alone
Use positive language such as all members of the class have the right to feel safe, not negative language like don’t be rude to others Get into groups of four and develop your rights to put forward for voting with the class One student will be the recorder, two will be presenters, and one to ensure that everyone is given a chance to speak.

12 Let’s Vote! Come together as a class to draft our charter of rights and freedoms When we vote cover your eyes and put your thumb up for yes down for now and to the side for unsure

13 Class Guidelines Two students at a time can be out to the bathroom at the same time When you leave please put your name on the board One person speaks at a time Before each class please retrieve/ find your name card and hand it in

14 I will give you minimal homework but I ask that you come to class ready to learn
Please hand in assignments on time If they’re late I might chose to mark them harder

15 Mr. Belyeas’s Grading policy
Homework completion 10% Quizzes 10% Projects 20% Unit Tests 30% Assignments 20% Participation 10% If you don’t receive a quiz, project, test, or assignments over the next ten weeks that bin won’t count.

16 Course Website
You can find handouts, power points, and all related course documents under the grade 9 Social Studies tab There are also some cool Social Studies link you can check out on the home page!

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