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The Cold War continues…

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1 The Cold War continues…
President Eisenhower The Cold War continues…

2 Brinkmanship The U.S. sought to build a massive arsenal of nuclear weapons to scare/prevent the USSR from striking idea of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles Increased Americans’ fears of nuclear war—many families built fallout shelters

3 The Nuclear Arms Race Brinkmanship meant increased government spending on both nuclear warheads and the military Helped create many new jobs in Virginia at the Pentagon, the CIA, and defense contractors

4 The CIA Eisenhower used the Central Intelligence Agency to carry out two covert coups They secretly overthrew the governments of Iran (1953) and Guatemala (1954) because of communist ties and installed U.S.-friendly regimes

5 The Space Race The Soviets launched Sputnik in 1957
The U.S. created NASA in 1958 The space race was on! Sputnik, the first satellite

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