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A Monograph to Support Catholic Elementary Teachers in the Implementation of the Ontario Health & Physical Education Curriculum 2015 In Catholic schools.

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Presentation on theme: "A Monograph to Support Catholic Elementary Teachers in the Implementation of the Ontario Health & Physical Education Curriculum 2015 In Catholic schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Monograph to Support Catholic Elementary Teachers in the Implementation of the Ontario Health & Physical Education Curriculum 2015 In Catholic schools the Catholic Social Teaching about the Dignity of the Human person in the foundation on which we implement the Human Development and Sexual Health strand. This activity provides the opportunity for deeper conversation and reflection on this church teaching. Page 3 in monograph - In Catholic schools we are called to recognize each person as a gift of God’s love. We hope to instill in students a profound sense of what it means to be created in the image of God. All staff and students must demonstrate respect for diversity in school and the wider society. Implementation of the curriculum should be done in such a way that honours all students’ dignity and values the diversity of life experiences that they bring to the classroom. Educators should reflect on their own attitudes, biases and values with respect to the topics they are teaching. They should present the Church’s position and avoid expressing their personal worldview . Teachers are reminded that effective instruction not only supports student success but is a response to and honours each student’s dignity” (FL 27). It is important that educators understand the pastoral role the must assume. Part Three: The Foundation for Implementation

2 Four Corners Activity about Dignity of the Human Person
Minds On Four Corners Activity about Dignity of the Human Person Use the quotations found in Facilitator Guide Appendix Hang up quotes in fours corners of room. Participates walk and read the quotes and stand by the one that speaks to them the most profoundly Discuss for 2 minutes as a group Elementary Teacher Monograph Part Three: The Foundation for Implementation

3 Read “Pastoral Response” on page 3 of the Monograph.
Activity Read “Pastoral Response” on page 3 of the Monograph. Highlight important words independently Elementary Teacher Monograph Part Three: The Foundation for Implementation

4 What do we understand a ‘Pastoral Response’ to mean?
Consolidation What do we understand a ‘Pastoral Response’ to mean? What will it look, sound, and feel like at our school? As a staff, using information from the Four Corners activity as well as the monograph, create a school “pastoral response” that represents the staff’s shared understanding of what this means. In the HPE curriculum 2015, respect for diversity is emphasized. It is important that we are prepared to respond to this in a pastoral manner. Elementary Teacher Monograph Part Three: The Foundation for Implementation

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