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WILL-SHALL Will and shall can be the auxiliar verbs accompanying the Future simple tense: The structure of the simple future tense is: subject + auxiliary.

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Presentation on theme: "WILL-SHALL Will and shall can be the auxiliar verbs accompanying the Future simple tense: The structure of the simple future tense is: subject + auxiliary."— Presentation transcript:

1 WILL-SHALL Will and shall can be the auxiliar verbs accompanying the Future simple tense: The structure of the simple future tense is: subject + auxiliary verb WILL + main verb Paco will be there. For negative sentences in the simple future tense, we insert not between the auxiliary verb and the main verb. For question sentences, we exchange the subject and the auxiliary verb. Look at these example sentences with the simple future tense: subject auxiliary verb main verb I will open the door. - She will not be at school tomorrow. ? auxiliary verb subject main verb Will you arrive on time? * Shall can be used instead of Will for the first person in the singular and in the plural. Example: I/We shall open the door. 1 1

2 Will and shall can also be modal verbs expressing a language function:
WILL-SHALL Will and shall can also be modal verbs expressing a language function: WILL: We use Will to say we are definitely willing now. Example: I will give you one more chance. And Won’t to say that a person refuses to do something: He is ill, but he won’t go to the doctor. It is also used to describe present habits or typical behaviour. The traffic jam will stop traffic for hours. SHALL: We use Shall in the first person singular or plural for suggestions or offers. Shall we go to the movies today? 2 2

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