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Security requirements

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1 Security requirements
ECHA IT systems Security requirements Biocides CA meeting 12 – 14 December 2012 Hugues Kenigswald Head of Unit B3 (Biocides) 07 May 2019

2 Overview Security: issues and prevention Competent Authorities
Current and future situation for biocides REACH and CLP model and proposal Competent Authorities Role of National Security Officers ECHA Security Officers’ Network Conclusion 07 May 2019 2 2

3 Security: Issues and prevention

4 Current situation for Biocides
R4BP2: no confidential information except product composition Application dossiers: Active substances: Complete dossier stored in evaluating MSCA : paper and/or electronic files Summary dossier stored in JRC and all other MSCAs Biocidal products: Complete dossier stored in one CA : paper and electronic files No common security model 07 May 2019 4 4

5 Future situation for Biocides
R4BP v3: limited confidential information Application dossiers: Complete dossier in electronic files (IUCLID) Central IUCLID repository: access to Commission, ECHA and all MSCAs => Increased risk Common security model proposed 07 May 2019 5 5

6 The REACH and CLP model The Commission and MSCAs have agreed on common security model for dossiers on chemicals in 2005 (i.e. before the establishment of ECHA and entry into operation of REACH/CLP) Objective: limit the risk of unauthorised disclosure of confidential business information 07 May 2019 6 6

7 Proposed Security Model
Apply the Security Model of REACH and CLP Security Model is built on: Declaration of Commitment Standard Security Requirements Unified Remote Access 07 May 2019 7 7

8 Declaration of Commitment
The legal representative of the authority signs a Declaration of Commitment which has conditions on Use of information Public access to information Security measures and cooperation with ECHA Auditing Liability Dissemination on national level 07 May 2019 8 8

9 Standard Security Requirements
The Standard Security Requirements referred in the Declaration of Commitment provide details on inter alia Physical security ICT security Handling of information Roles and responsibilities Non-disclosure agreements Reporting Annual audit 07 May 2019 9 9

10 Unified Remote Access ECHA Unified Remote Access solution is based on
SSL VPN (clientless) RSA SecurID hardware security tokens IP address-based filtering 07 May 2019 10 10

11 Competent Authorities

12 Competent Authorities
Each Member State designates the Competent Authorities and informs the European Commission ECHA needs official designation in order to be able to grant access to the relevant information systems containing confidential business information 07 May 2019 12 12

13 Role of National Security Officers
Responsible for security training/awareness briefings and promotion of security awareness Report to ECHA all suspected, attempted or actual security breaches including serious attempts at illegal or unauthorised entry, any loss, theft or compromise of data and any attempt at corruption of an official with a view to gaining access to data or other sensitive material 07 May 2019 13 13

14 ECHA Security Officers’ Network
The ECHA Management Board has given the Security Officers’ Network (SON) a formal role in reviewing security requirements, agreeing on any deviations and in preparing security-related audit guidelines ECHA has organised meetings of the SON from 2007 Member State Competent Authorities Mandated National Institutions European Commission Industry (CEFIC): observers 07 May 2019 14 14

15 Information/training session
ECHA is planning to invite the ‘to-be’ Security Officers from new Biocides Competent Authorities to ECHA for an information/training session in Q explaining: Procedure to access ECHA IT systems Standard Security Requirements in detail How to use Unified Remote Access solution 07 May 2019 15 15

16 Conclusion

17 Conclusion Agree on the approach of using Unified Security Model
Designate Competent Authorities as soon as possible (preferably not later than January 2013) Participate to the ECHA information/ training session (ideally the ‘to-be’ Security Officer) 07 May 2019 17 17

18 Contact If you have any question, please contact:
07 May 2019 18 18

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