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What I will cover How we have changed our business Ageing Better- reducing isolation Over2You- co-designing quality solutions 5 Ways to Wellbeing.

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3 What I will cover How we have changed our business
Ageing Better- reducing isolation Over2You- co-designing quality solutions 5 Ways to Wellbeing

4 Where we were Excellent reputation in the SCR but low profile nationally Safe pair of hands for Supporting People contracts Good handle on service delivery Holding on well despite the pressures Tender success rate had declined. Not winning anything new Not geared up for the changes taking place

5 Data & Research Appointed Head of R&D Data Improvement project
External evaluation Hack Lab Carving out a role as a data lead in the region Building IT capacity

6 Coproduction Appointed Head of Personalisation
Deliver contracts for Department of Health, Public Health England and NHS England Central to retaining core business and winning new Winner of LaingBuisson Personalisation award

7 Ageing Better

8 Over2You

9 5 Ways to Wellbeing NEF framework Staff and customer focus
Evaluation measure Enhanced existing offer & generated new service ideas

10 Seat at the table Sheffield Provider Executive
Doncaster Better Care Fund working group Barnsley Health and Wellbeing Board Advisory Group LEP- European Structural Investment Fund


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