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Chemical Change Outcomes

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1 Chemical Change Outcomes
SPI Chemical Change Outcomes Notes Science Learning Intention: Identify the common outcomes of chemical changes. Purpose: to understand how we utilize the outcomes of chemical reactions (for energy, transportation, food, etc.) Success Criteria I will show that I understand this topic by earning a 90 or higher on the quiz. I Can Statement By the end of this unit I will be able to say... ...I can identify the common outcomes of chemical changes.

2 Chemical Change Outcomes 5 Key Points About Chemical Reactions
Chemical changes happen during chemical reactions Can not be easily undone or reversed During these reactions, chemical bonding occurs Video Link (3 min 50 sec): Chemical Changes 5 Key Points About Chemical Reactions 1) A new substance is formed by rearranging the atoms. 2) The properties of the new substance are different from the properties that you started with. 3) No atoms are created or destroyed in chemical reactions. 4) Atomic bonds are broken and new bonds are formed. (at the valence electron level) 5) Compounds come from chemical reactions.

3 Video Link (3 min 33 sec): How Atoms Bond Two different types of atoms
Chemical Bonding In the outer shells, valence electrons are transferred or shared F.Y.I. called ionic or covalent bonding Video Link (3 min 33 sec): How Atoms Bond Molecules: (are formed during chemical bonding) 1) Homoatomic molecules -consist of only one type of atom 2) Heteroatomic molecules -two or more different types of atoms Only one type of atom Two different types of atoms Is a compound molecule

4 Memory Trick (chemical reactions = compounds)
Chemical Reactions Form Molecules Both homoatomic & heteroatomic molecules (called compounds) are formed during chemical bonding Video Link (1 min 45 sec): How Molecules Are Formed Memory Trick C = C (chemical reactions = compounds) Example: When two hydrogen atoms react with one oxygen atom you produce (form) the compound called water (H2O). Reactants Product(s) Oxygen H Oxygen H H Two different types of atoms Is a heteroatomic molecule (called a compound)

5 Chemical Change Outcomes
SPI Chemical Change Outcomes Science Questions In Chemical Reactions A new substance is formed by rearranging the atoms.

6 In Chemical Reactions The properties of the new substance are different from the properties that you started with. Reactants Products

7 In Chemical Reactions A new substance is formed by rearranging the atoms Some Chemical Change Indicators H: Heat-Heat may be given off (it may get hot) F: Flame- It may burn (like burning paper or wood) F: Flash-It may flash (like a grenade or gun powder)

8 G: Gas- Gas may be released (may smell different)
In Chemical Reactions A new substance is formed by rearranging the atoms Some Chemical Change Indicators O: Odor/gas-There may be a change in odor (how it smells) G: Gas- Gas may be released (may smell different) Physical Changes Changes the appearance of a substance, but DOES NOT change the composition of the substance.

9 Chemical Change Outcomes
SPI Chemical Change Outcomes Science Questions In Chemical Reactions Atomic bonds are broken and new bonds are formed (at the valence electron level)

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