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Environment and the F & B Industries. Food Types.

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Presentation on theme: "Environment and the F & B Industries. Food Types."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environment and the F & B Industries

2 Food Types

3 Carbon Footprint of Food types

4 Carbon footprint of food types

5 More meat we eat, more greenhouse gases we generate. The livestock sector represents a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions worldwide. It generates carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) throughout the production process. Livestock contribute to climate change by emitting GHG either directly (e.g. from enteric fermentation and manure management) or indirectly (e.g. from feed-production activities and conversion of forest into pasture).



8 Raw materials for feed and feed production requires energy, causes pollution and deforestation

9 Environmental benefits of consuming less red meat

10 White meat products requires less energy inputs than red meats in the production process. Consumption of more white meat means less GHG emissions to the atmosphere. Forest and natural vegetation are no longer replaced by pastures and feed crops. As a result, the emission of carbon release from soils are reduced. The enormous amounts of water usage for pasture irrigation can be reduced.  Vast area of land allocated for the growing of feed crops can be used for producing crops for human consumption. It will relieve the pressure on scarce land resources.

11 Local food vs imported food

12 Carbon footprint and imported food


14 Hong Kong Local Fish 0/i/1600/depositphotos_166704808-stock- photo-seafood-market-fish-tanks-in.jpg 0/i/1600/depositphotos_166704808-stock- photo-seafood-market-fish-tanks-in.jpg

15 Food Miles




19 Buying local products


21 Local food preserves farmland landscape Local food benefits the land and water resources Local food benefits the wildlife animals Local food helps to reduce carbon emission

22 Some local produces in the past…

23 Sustainable purchasing

24 We need to ensure that we meet our needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

25 1. Ethical (no exploitation) 2. Organic 3. Fair (Producers should be reasonable paid) 4. Sustainable 5. Beneficial to the local environment and community

26 Local examples Moratorium on fishing time in the South China Sea

27 Sustainable fishing qTntBXCU qTntBXCU

28 Local examples Shark fin soup issue

29 Local examples Beyond The Straw: Sustainability in Hospitality | Tom Egerton | TEDxWanChai 4qk 4qk

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