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STEP 5 RELATIONSHIPS I P. 181 Mrs. Elizabeth Coiman-Lopez, BAT., MS.

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Presentation on theme: "STEP 5 RELATIONSHIPS I P. 181 Mrs. Elizabeth Coiman-Lopez, BAT., MS."— Presentation transcript:

1 STEP 5 RELATIONSHIPS I P. 181 Mrs. Elizabeth Coiman-Lopez, BAT., MS.
Houston Community College – Fall 2018

2 Authors use two common methods to show relationships and make their ideas clear:
Transition Method Patterns of Organization Method Authors use two common types of relationships: Relationships that involved ADDITION Relationships that involve TIME DEFINITION P. 181

3 Find the statement that is easier to understand p. 181
Transitions are words or phrases (another) that show relationship between the ideas. They are like signs on the road guiding travelers or bridges carrying the reader from one idea to the next one. TRANSITIONS P. 181

4 Words that signal added ideas.
Author presents the information clearly to the reader One to begin with also further First (of all) for one thing in addition furthermore Second(ly) other next last (of all) Third(ly) another moreover final(ly) PRACTICE 1 p ADDITION WORDS P. 183

5 WORDS THAT SHOW TIME P. 184 Words that indicate time relationship
They tell us WHEN something happened in relationship to something else happened Before immediately when until Previously next whenever often First (of all) then while frequently Second(ly) following during eventually Third(ly) later as (soon as) finally Now after by last (of all) TIPS: p. 185 When transition words have the same meaning, authors use a variety of them to prevent repetition: also, moreover, furthermore (in addition) Sometimes the same word can be used as two different types of transitions, on how it is used: first: used in addition or to show a time sequence. PRACTIVE 2 P. 186 WORDS THAT SHOW TIME P. 184

Show the relationship between supporting details in paragraphs, essays, and chapters. It helps to recognize the common pattern in which authors arrange information Transitions in a passage can often help you become aware of its pattern of organization Readers will understand and remember what is read. Patterns Organization: p. 186 LIST OF ITEMS PATTERN: addition words are often used TIME ORDER PATTERN: time words are often used PATTERNS OF ORGANIZATION P. 186

LIST OF ITEMS PATTERN: addition words are often used Arrange the sentences in order Paragraph begins with the main idea Next three sentences has the pattern of list of items: ONE, ANOTHER, and FINALLY introduce the points being listed. The List of Items refers to a series of reasons, examples, or other points that support an idea. The author lists the items in whatever order he prefers (no time order words) Textbooks use this method often. One to begin with also further First (of all) for one thing in addition furthermore Second(ly) other next las (of all) Third(ly) another moreover final(ly) LIST OF ITEMS PATTERN P

8 TIME ORDER PATTERN P. 190 Arrange the sentences in logical order
Authors usually present events in the order in which they happen Time transition words are used: Next, then, when, and last) Textbooks also use this method Beside dates and other time references, signals could be: stages, series, steps, and process Most common: series of events or series of steps p Before immediately when until Previously next whenever often First (of all) then while frequently Second(ly) following during eventually Third(ly) later as (soon as) finally Now after by last (of all) PRACTICE 5-7 TIME ORDER PATTERN P. 190

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