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Mobile Services for Libraries Sarah Houghton-Jan Digital Futures Manager, San Jose Public Library Author,

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Services for Libraries Sarah Houghton-Jan Digital Futures Manager, San Jose Public Library Author,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Services for Libraries Sarah Houghton-Jan Digital Futures Manager, San Jose Public Library Author,

2 why mobile? 80% of Americans adults own a cell phone By 2015 U.S. ownership of smart phones will be 162 million - 2/3 of all mobile handsets 43% own MP3 players 5 million iPads sold (+ watch Android tablets)

3 Jolie ODell, Mashable, on the Morgan Stanley study:


5 the great debate: mobile sites vs. apps

6 10 steps to mobile supremacy

7 #1: your website mobile-friendly? W3Cs mobileOK Checker mobile version of homepage (or site) mobile services webpage

8 is your website mobile-friendly? find out at W3Cs mobileOK Checker

9 Mobile Friendly Library Websites by Fleur Helsingor @ UC Berkeley ( bile-websites.pdf) bile-websites.pdf



12 #2: your catalog test catalogs mobile friendliness - PASS - SOPAC, Evergreen, Koha - FAIL - Innovative, Voyager, SirsiDynix see a pattern?


14 WorldCat (mobile app + mobile webpage)

15 #3: databases mobile apps and/or mobile-friendly pages - EBSCO (page) - Gale (app) - others check with all vendors watch for feature & functionality loss


17 #4: ebooks eAudioBook formats: MP3s/DRM-laden formats of death eBook formats: PDF, Mobi Overdrive eBook app who missed the boat? check with all vendors

18 #5: reference text messaging - AIM & Google Voice hacks, LibraryH3lp Twitter - send a question to @SanJoseLibrary

19 IM - free IM clients (Meebo, Trillian) + individual accounts (AIM, GoogleTalk) web chat - nope

20 #6: social media Facebook - many mobile FB apps - post updates, photos, video, & events - pages vs. groups

21 Twitter - many more Twitter apps - post frequent updates

22 #7: location-based services Foursquare, Gowalla, Facebook Places - entries, tips, trips, contests augmented reality - Layar, Wikitude - campus or library tours, local history tours



25 #8: apps Boopsie - customized mobile library application (San Jose Public Library) custom iPhone or Android app (D.C. Public Library)


27 #9: in-library mobile services walk-in mobile message center (dok) library mobile charging stations library mobile media download stations

28 #10: marketing mobile market mobile with mobile start an opt-in list for library texts - group texting app textPlus buy ads in relevant apps (local, library-like) contests for signing up, mayorships, etc.

29 …inc. marketing staff ensure mobile access to work systems train staff on mobile access to library stuff encourage staff use of mobile to do work buy mobile devices for staff to use/train on

30 7 apps every librarian should know WorldCat Kindle/Nook Google Translate Foursquare Evernote IMDB Yelp

31 future challenges devices platforms formats digital rights management standards

32 questions & discussion Sarah Houghton-Jan web: Twitter: @TheLiB Facebook: email:

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