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O’Rourke Elementary Mid-Year Review 2016-2017.

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1 O’Rourke Elementary Mid-Year Review

2 Goal 1 Activity Description (Jag Journals) Mid-Year Progress
*All 2-5 teachers and special education teachers will provide opportunities daily for students to respond to a variety of open-ended prompts citing evidence from a text. Students will type responses in the computer lab twice a month. Each month teachers in grades three through five will score one typed response and one hand written response with the school wide rubric. Second grade teachers will model first semester with students responding independently third and fourth quarters. Students will utilize to develop keyboarding skills. Third grade will increase proficiency from 63% to 68%, fourth grade from 64% to 69%, and fifth grade from 67% to 72%. Mid-Year Progress First quarter 50.6% of our third graders, 60% of our fourth graders, and 59.6% of our fifth graders scored a lll or lV on the school-wide rubric. See next two slides.

3 Percent Proficient at Levels II and Ill
Jag Journals Written Percent Proficient at Levels II and Ill Grade 1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. Goal 3 50.6% 74% 68% 4 60% 73% 69% 5 59.6% 81% 72% Average 56.7% 76%

4 Percent Proficient at Levels II and Ill
Jag Journals Typed Percent Proficient at Levels II and Ill Grade 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. Goal 3 68% 4 66% 69% 5 82% 72% Average

5 O’Rourke Elementary School
Star Reading Data (Fall Universal Screening) First Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL Exceeding Ready Close Need Support 2nd Grade 7% 23% 25% 45% 3rd Grade 10% 24% 43% 4th Grade 13% 21% 34% 32% 5th Grade 14% 17% 44% Average 11% 31.75% 36%

6 O’Rourke Elementary School
Star Reading Data (Winter Universal Screening) Third Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL Exceeding Ready Close Need Support 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Average

7 O’Rourke Elementary School
Star Early Literacy Data (Fall Universal Screening) First Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL At/Above On Watch Intervention Urgent Intervention Kindergarten 46% 10% 28% 16% 1st Grade 41% 13% 22% 24% Average 43.5% 23% 25% 20%

8 O’Rourke Elementary School
Star Early Literacy Data (Winter Universal Screening) Third Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL At/Above On Watch Intervention Urgent Intervention Kindergarten 1st Grade Average

O’Rourke Elementary School EQT DATA for ALL STUDENTS Percent Proficient READING GRADE LEVEL 1st Quarter 2nd Mid-Year Kindergarten 93% 97% 95% 1st Grade 94% 90% 92% 2nd Grade 76% 85% 81% 3rd Grade 64% 62% 63% 4th Grade 82% 53% 68% 5th Grade 83% 86% AVERAGE 79%

10 Goal 1 Activity Description (Close Reading) Mid-Year Progress
Teachers will utilize Close Reading strategies to empower students to analyze texts and use comprehension strategies for various types of texts. CFAs will be used to progress monitor. Mid-Year Progress In August, the Reading PLT participated in Close Reading PD. Each PLT representative shared strategies with their grade level constituents. Students participate in close reading lessons weekly. **SEE CFA Data.

11 Second Semester Progress
Goal 1 Activity Description (Units of Study) Teachers will integrate across the curriculum from multiple texts. Students will complete a quarterly project that includes multiple texts. Second Semester Progress *See samples and CFA data.

12 O’Rourke Elementary School CFA Data - Percent Proficient
First Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL CFA #1 CFA #2 CFA #3 CFA Average Kindergarten 89% 87% NA 88% 1st Grade 90% 2nd Grade 91% 83% 86% 3rd Grade 82% 81% 76% 80% 4th Grade 78% 79% 75% 77% 5th Grade 85% AVERAGE 84%

13 O’Rourke Elementary School CFA Data - Percent Proficient
second Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL CFA #1 CFA #2 CFA #3 CFA Average Mid-Year Average Kindergarten 100% 99% NA 99.5% 94% 1st Grade 90% 91% 78% 86% 88% 2nd Grade 93% 89% 3rd Grade 58% 68% 54% 60% 70% 4th Grade 72% 74% 67% 71% 5th Grade 98% 85% 87% AVERAGE 84% 76% 83%

14 (Additional Academic Assistance)
Goal 1 Activity Description (Additional Academic Assistance) Identified students will receive Tier ll/Tier lll intervention during our school wide intervention time based on needs with Stride Academy, Sonday System, and/or STAR Instructional Planning. (Intervention Teacher) Mid-Year Progress In August, the Leadership Team identified students in grades four and five who scored in the bottom 25% on the ACT Aspire. These students were given the Sonday Placement Test and the STAR Reading Universal Screening. Twenty-seven students participate in Sonday Intervention, sixty-five students participate in Stride Intervention, and twenty-seven students participate in both Sonday and Stride. Students in K-2 identified as “Urgent Intervention” on the Universal Screening, receive intervention in the classroom during the school-wide intervention time. Students in grades 3-5 identified as “Need Support” on the Universal Screening receive intervention in the classroom during the school- wide intervention time.

15 Universal Screening – SS & GE Progress Monitor 1 – SS & GE
O’Rourke Elementary School Star Early Literacy/STAR Intervention Data First Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL Universal Screening – SS & GE Progress Monitor 1 – SS & GE Growth SS & GE Kindergarten 393 & .01 434 & 0.10 41 & 0.09 1st Grade 475 &1.0 548 & 1.10 73 & 0.10 2nd Grade 77 & 1.2 87 & 1.3 10 & 0.1 3rd Grade 194 & 2.0 234 & 2.2 40 & 0.2 4th Grade 256 & 2.3 320 & 2.8 64 & 0.5 5th Grade 353 & 3.0 394 & 3.4 41 & 0.4

16 Universal Screening – SS & GE Current Progress Monitor – SS
O’Rourke Elementary School Star Early Literacy/STAR Intervention Data Mid-Year ( ) GRADE LEVEL Universal Screening – SS & GE Current Progress Monitor – SS Growth SS & GE Kindergarten 393 516 123 1st Grade 475 649 170 2nd Grade 77 & 1.2 120 & 1.5 43 & 0.3 3rd Grade 194 & 2.0 283 & 2.5 84 & 0.5 4th Grade 256 & 2.3 320 & 2.8 64 & 0.5 5th Grade 371 & 3.2 444 & 3.9 73 & 0.7

17 Universal Screening – SS & GE Current Progress Monitor – SS
O’Rourke Elementary School Intervention Teacher: STAR Reading Intervention Data Mid-Year ( ) GRADE LEVEL Universal Screening – SS & GE Current Progress Monitor – SS Growth SS & GE 4th Grade 294 & 2.6 392 & 3.4 98 & 0.8 5th Grade 431 & 3.8 501 & 4.5 70 & 0.7

18 Universal Screening – SS & GE Current Progress Monitor – SS
O’Rourke Elementary School Intervention Teacher: STAR Math Intervention Data Mid-Year ( ) GRADE LEVEL Universal Screening – SS & GE Current Progress Monitor – SS Growth SS & GE 4th Grade 533 & 3.2 599 & 4.0 66 & 0.8 5th Grade 576 & 3.7 659 & 4.8 83 & 1.1

19 O’Rourke Elementary School Stride Reading Intervention Data
Mid-Year Review ( ) GRADE LEVEL Stride PMA #1 Stride PMA #2 Growth 4th Grade 39.5% 49% 9.5% 5th Grade 49.5% 53% 3.5% Average 44.5% 51% 13%

20 O’Rourke Elementary School Sonday Intervention Data
Mid-Year Review ( ) GRADE LEVEL Starting Level Current Level 4th Grade Group 1 Lesson 1 1 Student Sonday 2, Lesson 2 3 Students Sonday 1 Lesson 11 4th Grade Group 2 1 Student Sonday 2 Lesson 2 2 Students Sonday 1 Lesson 26 4th Grade Group 3 Lesson 10 2 Students Sonday 2 Lesson 2

21 O’Rourke Elementary School Sonday Intervention Data
Mid-Year Review ( ) GRADE LEVEL Starting Level Current Level 4th Grade Group 4 Lesson 19 4 Students Sonday 2 Lesson 2 2 Students Sonday 1 Lesson 26 5th Grade Group 1 Lesson 10 Sonday 1 Lesson 31 5th Grade Group 2 2 Students Withdrew, So we now have 5 groups

22 Goal 1 Activity Description Mid-Year Progress (Engage New York)
All K-5 and special education teachers will implement the Engage New York Program as the primary source to teach math standards. EQT data will be collected. Mid-Year Progress *See EQT Data

O’Rourke Elementary School EQT DATA for ALL STUDENTS Percent Proficient Math GRADE LEVEL 1st Quarter 2rd Quarter Mid-Year Review Kindergarten 97% 1st Grade 94% 92% 93% 2nd Grade 76% 86% 81% 3rd Grade 84% 71% 78% 4th Grade 82% 69% 5th Grade 83% 75% 79% AVERAGE

24 (Small Group Instruction)
Goal 1 Activity Description (Small Group Instruction) All K-5 Teachers will implement small group instruction in mathematics daily. Mid-Year Progress Small group plans are documented daily in lesson plans.

25 First Quarter Progress
Goal 1 Activity Description (Every Day Counts) All K-5 Teachers will implement the Every Day Counts Program daily. This will be monitored with walkthroughs. First Quarter Progress *See next slide.

26 O’Rourke Elementary School Every Day Counts
First Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL K-5 No Evidence Some Evidence Good Evidence Need Training Instructional Visuals Displayed 38 15 Calendar, Counting Tape, Coin Counter, etc. Displayed 5 33 Activities Occur on a Regular Basis

27 Goal 1 Activity Description (Every Day Counts) Mid-Quarter Progress
All K-5 Teachers will implement the Every Day Counts Program daily. This will be monitored with walkthroughs. Mid-Quarter Progress Every Day Counts professional development is currently being scheduled for the teachers identified as needing training through walkthroughs.

28 Goal 1 Activity Description (Math Journals) Mid-Year Progress
All third through fifth grade teachers will provide opportunities daily for students to respond to a problem of the day. Teachers will use the school wide rubric to score one entry monthly. Data will be collected. Mid-Year Progress *Rubrics were developed during the September Math PLT meeting. *Rubrics were given out and discussed during September/October Data Meetings. *Data will be collected at the end of October. *See next slide.

29 Percent Proficient at Levels II and Ill
Problem of the Day Percent Proficient at Levels II and Ill Grade 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. Goal 3 62% 67% 4 64% 69% 5 50% 55% Average 59%

30 Goal 1 Activity Description (Xtra Math) Mid-Year Progress
All students K-5 will participate in the Xtra Math program for five minutes daily to increase fluency of math facts. Kindergarten will begin second quarter. Teachers in grades three through five will class reports each week. Mid-Year Progress *On our First Quarter Math Drill: 3rd – 137 A’s 4th – 101 A’s 5th – 131 A’s *Second Quarter Math Drill: 3rd – 36 A’s 4th – 111 A’s 5th A’s

31 (Additional Academic Assistance) First Semester Progress
Goal 1 Activity Description (Additional Academic Assistance) During our school wide intervention time, identified students will receive Tier ll/Tier lll intervention based on needs with Stride Academy and/or STAR Instructional Planning. First Semester Progress In August, the Leadership Team identified students in grades four and five who scored in the bottom 25% on the ACT Aspire. These students were given the STAR Math Universal Screening. Sixty-five students participate in Stride Intervention. Students in K-2 identified as “Urgent Intervention” on the Universal Screening, receive intervention in the classroom during the school-wide intervention time. Students in grades 3-5 identified as “Need Support” on the Universal Screening receive intervention in the classroom during the school-wide intervention time.

32 Universal Screening – SS & GE Progress Monitor 1 – SS & GE
O’Rourke Elementary School Star Math Intervention Data Mid-Year Review ( ) GRADE LEVEL Universal Screening – SS & GE Progress Monitor 1 – SS & GE Growth SS & GE 2nd Grade 309 & 1.2 370 & 1.6 61 & 0.4 3rd Grade 375 & 1.7 461 & 2.5 86 & 0.8 4th Grade 420 & 2.1 528 & 3.1 108 & 1.0 5th Grade 476 & 2.6 570 & 3.6 116 & 1.0

33 O’Rourke Elementary School Stride Math Intervention Data
Second Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL Stride PMA #1 Stride PMA #2 Growth 4th Grade 32.5% 45% 12.5% 5th Grade 34% 11% Average 33.2% 23.5%

34 Goal 1 Activity Description (Direct Instruction) Mid-Year Progress
Implementation of the core EL Program by the classroom teacher. Mid-Year Progress During a faculty meeting on August 29, 2016, Ms. Smart provided PD and an overview of ESL. She provided PD for teachers new to O’Rourke at the O’Rourke Tea on August 23, 2016. Ongoing monitoring of FLEP 1 and FLEP 2 students was conducted for 1st and 2nd quarter to ensure that exited students are beginning the year on positive notes. The program has been using a new online server, ELLevation, which has streamlined our monitoring and eligibility paperwork.

35 Goal 1 Activity Description (Direct Instruction) Mid-Year Progress
Implementation of the core EL Program by the classroom teacher. Mid-Year Progress Ongoing communication and support with the content area classroom teachers to help with accommodations and planning of ESL lessons to help students with their targeted needs. Schedule flexibility is key to provided one-on-one time with students who need the most attention and assistance. Continuing pulling for ESL classes across all grade levels focusing on language acquisition through reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice. There has been 1 additional ESL student that entered the school since the beginning of the 3rd quarter. Students are preparing for the annual ACCESS testing which is scheduled for February 6th -April 6th. Students will be tested on a computer based model in the four domains of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. They have begun practice sessions of the testing to familiarize them with the style of questions and testing. Kindergarten will continue with a paper based one-on-one model this year.

36 Goal 1 Mid-Year Progress Activity Description (Traits Writing)
*See next slide. Activity Description (Traits Writing) All three through five teachers and special education teachers will provide opportunities daily for students to respond through writing using the Traits Program. Teachers in grades three through five will score a mode of writing once a quarter. Students will utilize the Six Traits Program to develop writing skills. Third grade students will increase proficiency from 92.8% to 94.8%, fourth grade from 85% to 87%, fifth grade from 89.2% to 91.2%.

37 Traits Writing 3 83% 4 85% 73% 5 90% 82% 86% Percent Proficient Grade
1st Qtr. 2nd Qtr. 3rd Qtr. 4th Qtr. Goal 3 86% 83% 94.8% 4 85% 73% 87% 5 90% 91.2% Average 82%

38 (Problem Solving Team)
Goal 2 Activity Description (Problem Solving Team) *The Problem Solving Team will meet to provide teachers with research based interventions for students not meeting standards. Mid-Year Progress * See the attached chart

39 Problem Solving Team Quarter 1
The Problem Solving Team will meet to provide teachers with research-based interventions for students not meeting standards. Total # of students enrolled in the school 1,083 Total # of students in Tier II academic intervention 40 Total # of students in Tier III academic intervention 16 Total # of students in Tier II behavior intervention 14 Total # of students in Tier III behavior intervention 8 Total # of office discipline referrals 36 Total # of dropouts Total # of students referred for special education testing 12 Total # of students qualified for special education services 2

40 Problem Solving Team Quarter 2
The Problem Solving Team will meet to provide teachers with research-based interventions for students not meeting standards. Total # of students enrolled in the school 1,084 Total # of students in Tier II academic intervention 53 Total # of students in Tier III academic intervention 18 Total # of students in Tier II behavior intervention 14 Total # of students in Tier III behavior intervention 6 Total # of office discipline referrals 45 Total # of dropouts Total # of students referred for special education testing 15 Total # of students qualified for special education services 9

41 Goal 2 Activity Description (Reteach/Retest) Mid-Year Progress
Teachers will be provided the MCPSS Reteach/Retest Policy. The assistant principal will monitor grade books to identify the number of students scoring below 60% on major assessments and the percentage of students retested. Mid-Year Progress *See next slide.

42 O’Rourke Elementary School Reteach/Retest (Reading)
First Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL # Scoring Below 60% # Retested % Retested Kindergarten 13 7 54% 1st Grade 24 22 91% 2nd Grade 66 100% 3rd Grade 75 4th Grade 125 98 78% 5th Grade 43 Total 346 289 84% Kindergarten students were retaught sight words and letter recognition as an ongoing process. The original assessment was given later in the quarter to allow time for mastery.

43 O’Rourke Elementary School Reteach/Retest (Reading)
Second Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL # Scoring Below 60% # Retested % Retested Kindergarten 15 1 6% 1st Grade 59 57 97% 2nd Grade 66 63 95% 3rd Grade 182 177 4th Grade 144 137 5th Grade 56 54 96% Total 522 490 94%

44 O’Rourke Elementary School Reteach/Retest (Math)
First Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL # Scoring Below 60% # Retested % Retested Kindergarten 4 1 25% 1st Grade 6 100% 2nd Grade 38 3rd Grade 31 30 97% 4th Grade 28 5th Grade 82 66 80% Total 189 169 89% Some Fifth graders were not retested due to the major grade being a digital project. Extended time was given.

45 O’Rourke Elementary School Reteach/Retest (Math)
Second Quarter ( ) GRADE LEVEL # Scoring Below 60% # Retested % Retested Kindergarten 3 100% 1st Grade 11 2nd Grade 37 3rd Grade 61 52 85% 4th Grade 27 5th Grade 86 79 92% Total 225 209 93%

46 (Academic Professional Learning Teams)
Goal 2 Activity Description (Academic Professional Learning Teams) Utilize Professional Learning Teams (PLT) to improve student achievement (Math, Reading, Science, Steering, Technology, and Lighthouse) Mid-Year Progress *See PLCIAs *The Chairman of the committee will share progress.

47 (7 Habits/Leader in Me Professional Development)
Goal 2 Activity Description (7 Habits/Leader in Me Professional Development) The Lighthouse Team will participate in The Leader in Me Coaching Community and provide turn around training to the faculty. Mid-Year Progress 9/19/16 Action Team Meetings/New staff trained 9/23/16  Lighthouse Meeting 10/14/16 Munger and McKinion Community Coaching Meeting with Shelly Rider 10/17/16  Action Team Meetings 10/20/16  Lighthouse Meeting During the November Data Meetings, turn around training on 4DX was provided. See PLCIAs.

48 (7 Habits/Leader in Me Professional Development)
Goal 2 Activity Description (7 Habits/Leader in Me Professional Development) The Lighthouse Team will participate in The Leader in Me Coaching Community and provide turn around training to the faculty. Mid-Year Progress We are preparing for Leadership Day and for the Symposium in which our school has been selected to participate. During Leadership Day, Mrs. Cornelius and Ms. Wilson will present information regarding teaching habits to parents monthly and beginning a Parent Lighthouse Team. They will survey parents to see if there is an interest in participating in the Parent PD.

49 First Quarter Progress
Goal 2 Activity Description (Digital Project) Students in grades two through five will create one digital project per quarter. Students in first grade will complete one a semester, and students in Kindergarten will complete a class project second semester. First Quarter Progress Second Grade – Created a Board Builder on Discovery on habitats. Third Grade – Created a paper slide video on weather reports. Fourth Grade – Created a digital timeline highlighting events in their inventor’s life with graphics. Fifth Grade - After completing the Native Americans thematic unit, students worked collaboratively in small groups to gather and present information through a paper slide show.

50 Second Quarter Progress
Goal 2 Activity Description (Digital Project) Students in grades two through five will create one digital project per quarter. Students in first grade will complete one a semester, and students in Kindergarten will complete a class project second semester. Second Quarter Progress First Grade – Blabberize was used for a character report. Second Grade – Digital Research Third Grade – Board Builder was used to share research on American symbols. Fourth Grade –Blabberize was used to give a speech on a past president. Fifth Grade -Board Builder was used to present research on unique animals.

51 (Technology Intervention Stride)
Goal 3 Activity Description (Technology Intervention Stride) Students will utilize the identified software program to fidelity. Mid-Year Progress * See next slide.

52 O’Rourke Elementary School
Reading Intervention PMA Comparison Stride GRADE LEVEL 1st PMA 2nd PMA Mid-Year Growth 4th Grade 39.5% 49% 9.5% 5th Grade 49.5% 53% 3.5% AVERAGE 44.5% 51% 13%

53 O’Rourke Elementary School Stride Math Intervention Data
Mid-Year ( ) GRADE LEVEL Stride PMA #1 Stride PMA #2 Growth 4th Grade 32.5% 45% 12.5% 5th Grade 34% 11% Average 33.2% 23.5%

54 (Internet Safety Course)
Goal 3 Activity Description (Internet Safety Course) All kindergarten through fifth grade students will complete the internet safety course. Mid-Year Progress Our technology coach has worked with students and teachers to teach internet safety. Safety tips and prevention steps were given to prevent cyber bullying. All grade levels have completed the internet safety course.

55 First Quarter Progress
Goal 4 Activity Description (Recognizing Achievement) Teachers will take attendance and monitor to ensure at risk students/parents are counseled concerning attendance and behavior. First Quarter Progress *Students were recognized for perfect attendance for the school year and provided lunch with the principal. *Students completed an application and interviewed for the position of Attendance Monitor to help with attendance for the school year. *Students with perfect attendance and/or were on A/B Honor Roll first quarter will participate in the Environmental Center Program on October 28th.

56 Second Quarter Progress
Goal 4 Activity Description (Recognizing Achievement) Teachers will take attendance and monitor to ensure at risk students/parents are counseled concerning attendance and behavior. Second Quarter Progress Students were recognized for 2nd quarter perfect attendance and honor roll with a juggling show on Jan 20th. Leaders for 2nd quarter were chosen and recognized with a special t-shirt. Counselors talk to parents and students when they come in tardy about working hard to be on time.  

57 First Quarter Progress
Goal 4 Activity Description (Leader in Me –Student) Students will participate in Leader in Me Activities. Parents are notified and provided support for attendance and behavior. First Quarter Progress Students are identified weekly by their teacher for displaying leadership skills in the classroom, and one student is chosen per classroom per quarter for special leadership recognition from counselors. For the school year, students were rewarded with lunch and a hat for perfect attendance. Students will also receive recognition for first quarter perfect attendance. Students are referred to PST and counselors as needed for behavior.  They receive behavior interventions through Review 360 and individual or small group counseling.  Students are referred to PST when they reach 5 unexcused absences. Parents are notified and counselors meet with the identified students as needed.

58 Second Quarter Progress
Goal 4 Activity Description (Leader in Me –Student) Students will participate in Leader in Me Activities. Parents are notified and provided support for attendance and behavior. Second Quarter Progress Students were recognized for 2nd quarter perfect attendance and honor roll with a juggling show on Jan 20th. Leaders for 2nd quarter were chosen and recognized with a special t-shirt. Counselors talk to parents and students when they come in tardy about working hard to be on time.

59 (Tracking System – LIM)
Goal 4 Activity Description (Tracking System – LIM) Develop a tracking system for students with 10+ absences. Mid-Year Progress Students track attendance in their LIM binders. *See examples.

60 (Houses – Inspired by Ron Clark)
Goal 4 Activity Description (Houses – Inspired by Ron Clark) Develop a mentoring system to increase positive student relationships, decrease discipline, and increase attendance. Mid-Year Progress The first action team meeting was held. The committee determined what would be used to identify houses, reviewed which teachers are partnered up, and also determined what type of team building activity we will conduct for our first meeting. Next steps: create house boards, determine quarterly reward, identify kick off date Activities were created for the first meeting. Three teachers will attend the Ron Clark Academy in January.

61 (Xtra Math Fact Fluency)
Goal 5 Activity Description (Xtra Math Fact Fluency) Students will use the Xtra Math Program to practice fact fluency daily. O'Rourke is kicking off a "Sock It to You Math Facts" competition. Once a student earns a certificate of mastery, they will be rewarded a pair of crazy socks to wear to school. Mid-Year Progress 115 students have earned a pair of crazy socks. 218 Xtra Teacher Reports have been ed to monitor progress.

62 (LSI) STAR Math Universal Screening
O’Rourke Elementary School LSI Percent Proficient (LSI) STAR Math Universal Screening GRADE LEVEL Fall Mid-Year End-of-Year Goal 49% Grade 3 - 5 46%

63 (LSI) Quarterly Fact Drill
O’Rourke Elementary School LSI Percent Proficient (LSI) Quarterly Fact Drill GRADE LEVEL 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter Mid-Year Grade 3 86% 42% 64% Grade 4 88% 87% Grade 5 92% 81% Average 70% 79%

O’Rourke Elementary School EQT DATA for ALL STUDENTS Percent Proficient Science GRADE LEVEL 1st Quarter 2nd Mid-Year Kindergarten NA 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 91% 89% 90% 5th Grade 84% 88% 86% AVERAGE

65 O’Rourke Elementary School Grade Level Attendance Data
GRADE LEVEL 1st Quarter 2nd Mid-Year Kindergarten 96.7% 96.1% 96.4% 1st Grade 96.3% 95.5% 95.9% 2nd Grade 94.4% 95.4% 3rd Grade 97.1% 96.5% 4th Grade 96.2% 5th Grade 95.6% 96% AVERAGE

66 O’Rourke Elementary School
Office Referral GRADE LEVEL 1st Quarter 2nd Mid-Year Pre-K/Kindergarten 1 3 4 1st Grade 2nd Grade 21 16 37 3rd Grade 2 6 4th Grade 10 26 5th Grade 5 8 Total 36 44 81

67 O’Rourke Elementary School
Suspensions GRADE LEVEL 1st Quarter 2nd Mid-Year Pre-K/Kindergarten 4 1st Grade 2nd Grade 8 14 (5 for 1 student) 22 3rd Grade 1 3 4th Grade 5 13 18 5th Grade Total 14 38 52

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