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March 14th is International Pi Day!

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Presentation on theme: "March 14th is International Pi Day!"— Presentation transcript:

1 March 14th is International Pi Day!

2 Think about circles Think about a line around the outside of a circle
Image that line straightened out- this is the circumference

3 You can use the π button on your calculator
Pi People noticed that if you divide the circumference of a circle by the diameter you ALWAYS get the same answer They called the answer Pi (π) , which is: π is an “irrational” number, which means the decimal places carry on forever without repeating You can use the π button on your calculator

4 Pi Day Dingbats Say what you see!
Can you work out the phrase from the pictures? Easy ones first, then they get harder; can you get them all?

5 q t Cutie Pie

6 Pumpkin Pie

7 Apple Pie

8 Pie Chart

9 I Spy

10 the Y SK Pie in the Sky


12 ‘n Pineapple



15 lon lon

16 Popeye


18 pR Pi R Squared


20 Answers 1 Cutie Pie 2 Pumpkin Pie 3 Apple Pie 4 Pie Chart 5 I Spy 6
Pie in the Sky 7 American Pie 8 Pineapple 9 Pisces 10 Lemon Meringue Pie 11 Pylon 12 Popeye 13 Mince Pie 14 Pie R Squared (The formula for the area of a circle) 15 Shepherds Pie

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