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Public Sector Transformation Programme – towards a mental health and prevention strategy Update to the Board Feb 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Sector Transformation Programme – towards a mental health and prevention strategy Update to the Board Feb 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Sector Transformation Programme – towards a mental health and prevention strategy
Update to the Board Feb 2019

2 Today An update on the mental health and prevention strategy workstream A short discussion about questions which have arisen during development work to date Some recommendations

3 A sub-regional approach
Partners Our task was to develop a 3-year programme which will: Build on the momentum from previous work Focus on the priority areas as identified by partners Continue to deliver utilising sub-regional resources Continue to attract funding including European Funding Continue to improve collaboration, data sharing and service improvement Support ‘inclusive’ growth across the sub-region On a case-by-case basis Halton Borough Council Registered Housing Associations Voluntary Community Faith Sector Healthcare Provider Trusts

4 A sub-regional approach
This programme looks to add value to existing work and compliment it rather than act as a separate programme. The value comes through: The coordination of information; Sharing intelligence; and Maintaining an overarching view that would not happen as effectively if all partners were to act individually. This collaborative approach will: Encourage a collective response to local issues, sharing resources where appropriate. Present a stronger case for external investment and funding. Be supported by the creation of a single transformation investment fund. More than £1m of innovation funds have already been made available to the area and this approach will maximise the opportunity to attract more funding whilst reducing bureaucracy and competition as partners may, if acting alone, end up competing for the same funding streams.

5 Supporting Women Offenders
A sub-regional approach Into Work Board CD Programme The Public Service Transformation Programme has been collaboratively designed by sub-regional partners. The three-year programme covers priority themes which have been developed into workstreams: Domestic Abuse Board Supporting Women Offenders

6 Workstream: Mental Health
Key Actions 1 Contribute to, sharing and learning from mapping exercises including referral routes into services 2 Work together to develop an intervention and prevention mental health strategy 3 Contribute to, sharing and learning from data collection and developing a better picture of local need, including the review of pilot projects 4 Take forward the recommendations from The Case For Change 5 Support the Health Related Worklessness workstream and building on the recommendations

7 A sub-regional approach to promoting mental wellbeing
Since December 18 we have: Mapped the commissioning of mental health early help and prevention services across Cheshire West, Cheshire East, Warrington and Halton Local Authority areas. Carried out desk research to find high impact, evidence based models of best practice Developed joint working opportunities across the sub-region Created a prevention model for mental health for the sub-region

8 New policy Drivers

9 Mapping and desk research
‘ currently the Health Care Partnership’s Mental Health Programme Board doesn’t look at prevention and its Prevention workstream doesn’t look at mental health’ (PSTP partner)

10 A word on social prescribing…..
ChaMPHs reviewed Social Prescribing in 2016

11 Mapping and Desk research – key findings – where can we add value
Focus on mapping of commissioning Prioritise where greatest value can be added Identify best practice evidence based solutions Pursue solution as a single

12 Joint Working

13 Prevention model ‘We will work together to improve mental health and wellbeing, to reduce mental ill health across Cheshire, Warrington and Halton. We will work to improve people’s lives and to encourage healthy communities’

14 Prevention model - principles
Focus on wider determinants of mental illhealth or wellness Add value (inc to PSTP programmes) Raise the bar Systemise and/or strengthen local provision Focus across life course Tackle structural issues Tackle common tasks Challenge the orthodoxy Use evidence

15 Strategic Objectives Support more people whilst in work and into work
Promote safe and stable places to live Increase support to criminal justice system Develop an integrated approach to mental wellbeing Get the community involved

16 Promising approaches

17 Recommendations Clarify our relationship with the C&M Mental Health Partnership We can turn our insight into a strategy but we need to undertake more engagement (VCFS survey) Clarify our position in relation to supporting a Mental Health Commission for Cheshire (and Merseyside) Sign up to the PHE Prevention Concordat for Better Mental Health Further review work on Recovery in partnership with the Crisis Care sub-regional steering group Follow the advice: focus on a single priority (Added extra: survey of mental health assessment capability)

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