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Syllabus and Class Policies

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1 Syllabus and Class Policies
MATH 130: Winter 2019

2 Prerequisites This course requires either:
having passed MATH 115 (College Algebra) or an equivalent course, having obtained high enough score on the USD Math Placement Test.

3 Attendance Regular attendance is absolutely essential. This is an extremely intense and fast course, and if you miss even a single class, it will be difficult to catch up. Note that each class meeting will cover almost 8% of the course material.

4 Textbook The textbook: Bittinger, Ellenbogen, Surgent: Calculus and Its Applications. Eleventh Edition, Pearson. Assigned sections of the textbook should be read in advance.

5 Contact Office hours: Mondays and Thursdays, 4:00 – 5:00,
Wednesdays, , And by appointment. Serra 147, ext The best way to contact me is by or I am on most of the time.

6 Course Website The course website:
. You should check the website daily for assignments, announcements, hints, etc.

7 Course Learning Outcomes
Students will demonstrate a working knowledge of basic calculus topics. This includes knowledge of definitions and theorems with complete assumptions. Students will demonstrate the ability to use methods of basic calculus and perform computations accurately and efficiently. Students will demonstrate the ability to solve problems, including applications outside of mathematics. Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate mathematical ideas clearly.

8 Course topics and schedule
Precalculus Review (Chapter 0) Limits and Continuity (Chapter 1) Exponentials and Logarithms (Chapter 2; this material is mostly review) Differentiation (Chapter 3) Applications of the Derivative (Chapter 4) Integration and its Applications (Chapter 5, Sections 6.1, 6.2) The detailed tentative schedule is available on the course website:

9 Assignments Homework will be assigned during each class meeting. It is due at the beginning of the next class meeting. Late homework assignments will be accepted ONLY if you arrange it with me BEFORE they are due. The homework assignments will be graded mainly on effort, as the main purpose is to give you an opportunity to practice the material you study in class and at home.

10 Quizzes There will be a short (5-10 minutes) quiz at the beginning of each class (except for today  and the days of the exams – the total of 11 quizzes). The quiz exercise(s) will be mostly on the material covered during the previous class. Two lowest quiz scores will be dropped. An absence on a quiz will result in the score of 0, unless a make-up has been arranged with me PRIOR to missing the quiz.

11 Exams There will be two tests (40-minute exams) – Thursday, January 10, and Thursday, January 17. Tests cannot be made up, unless a certifiable case of emergency occurs. In such a case, you need to let me know BEFORE the test day and obtain my approval. The cumulative final exam will be held on the last class day – Wednesday, January 23. No electronic devices of any kind (this includes calculators) are allowed on quizzes and exams.

12 Grading system The course grade will be based on homework, quizzes, tests, and final exam scores: The homework and quizzes scores count for 20% of the course grade each, The average of test scores counts for 30% of the course grade. The final exam score counts for 30% of the course grade. The grade ranges (I generally do not use “curve”) are: Between 90 and 100% -- A Between 80 and 90% -- B Between 60 and 80% -- C Between 50 and 60% -- D (Of course, “pluses” and “minuses” will be assigned, when the percentages are near the endpoints of the ranges.)

13 Academic Integrity The Department of Mathematics strongly promotes academic integrity. Consequences of violations of academic integrity policy are severe.

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