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Junior Cycle Leaving Cert Established Leaving Cert Applied

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1 Junior Cycle Leaving Cert Established Leaving Cert Applied
New Grading Systems Junior Cycle Leaving Cert Established Leaving Cert Applied

2 Junior Cycle Old System New System Distinction ≥90 to 100 Higher Merit
Grade % A ≥85 to 100 B ≥70 <85 C ≥55 <70 D ≥40 <55 E ≥20 <40 F ≥10 <25 NG ≥0 <10 Grade % Distinction ≥90 to 100 Higher Merit ≥75 <90 Merit ≥55 <75 Achieved ≥40 <55 Partially Achieved ≥20 <40 Not Graded ≥0 <20

3 Junior Cycle Classroom-Based Assessments (CBAs)
Exceptional Above Expectations In line with Expectations Yet to meet Expectations

4 Leaving Cert Established Grades
Higher Level Ordinary Level % H1 O1 90-100 H2 O2 80<90 H3 O3 70<80 H4 O4 60<70 H5 O5 50<60 H6 O6 40<50 H7 O7 30<40 H8 O8 0<30

5 Leaving Cert Established CAO Points
Higher Ordinary Grade Points H1 100 H2 88 H3 77 H4 66 H5 56 O1 H6 46 O2 H7 37 O3 H8 O4 28 O5 20 O6 12 O7 O8

6 Leaving Cert Applied Grade % Credits Distinction 85-100 170-200 Merit
70-84 Pass 60-69

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