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Nonverbal Comm. Based on use of voice, body

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2 Nonverbal Comm. Based on use of voice, body
© Alfredo Estrella/AFP/Getty Images Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.

3 Methods of Delivery Manuscript Memory Impromptu Extemporaneous

4 Manuscript Written out fully Read to audience

5 Impromptu Little or no immediate preparation
© Yan Sheng/CNImaging/Newscom Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.

6 Extemporaneous Carefully prepared & rehearsed
Presented from brief notes

7 Conversational Quality
Sounds spontaneous no matter how often rehearsed

8 Speaker’s Voice Volume Vocal variety Pitch Pronunciation Rate
Articulation Pauses Dialect

9 Volume Loudness or softness of voice

10 Pitch Highness or lowness of voice
© The Augusta Chronicle/ZUMA Press/Corbis Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.

11 Rate Speed at which person speaks

12 Pauses Momentary break in vocal delivery

13 Vocalized Pauses When speaker says “uh,” “er,” “um,” etc.

14 Vocal Variety Changes in rate, pitch, volume
Gives voice expressiveness © Bill Clark/Getty Images Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.

15 Pronunciation Accepted standard of sound, rhythm in given language

16 Articulation Physical production of speech sounds

17 Dialect Variety of language distinguished by accent, grammar, vocabulary

18 Speaker’s Body Personal appearance Movement Gestures Eye contact

19 Kinesics Study of body motions as mode of communication

20 Practicing Delivery Go through prep. outline aloud
Prepare speaking outline Practice speech aloud Polish, refine delivery Give dress rehearsal

21 Preparing Q&A Formulate answers to possible questions
Practice delivery of answers © Art Widak/Demotix/Corbis Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.

22 Managing Q&A Approach with positive attitude Listen carefully
Direct answers to entire audience Be honest, straightforward Stay on track

23 Online Speech Speech created specifically for audience online & in real time

24 Online Speaking Guidelines:
Understand special nature of online environment Know your technology Control visual environment

25 Effective Framing

26 Online Speaking Guidelines: Adapt nonverbal communication
Adjust pacing for online Manage Q&A for online

27 Online Speaking Guidelines: Rehearse for online Have backup plan


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