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New York District Governor's Project: Food and Water

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Presentation on theme: "New York District Governor's Project: Food and Water"— Presentation transcript:

1 New York District Governor's Project: Food and Water
Provided by NYCKI Service Initiatives Committee

2 Table of Contents Introduction Facts Individual Advocacy
Service projects Fundraisers Organizations

3 Introduction Food and water, two elements that are essential for human survival. It makes up the baseline of our lives. If the base won't be present, so wont others like health and education. This service year of , Food and Water is Governor's Project which we, as a district will support and participate. This powerpoint will be your guide to get involved with the project, whether you are planning to volunteer, create your own service event, or fundraise for an organization. Help us help others! If you will have any questions, feel free to Sami Sharifiy at

4 Facts Food 795 million people in the world lack access to food to lead healthy lifestyle 1 in 6 people in US live in hunger, including 1 in 5 children Water 663 million people lack access to clean and safe drinking water 80% of diseases in developing countries related to water Human can last at least 3 days without a water Water is necessary not only for intake, but also for hygiene and food preparation

5 Individual Recycle everything that you can
Plan ahead before buying; there will be a higher chance you will use all the products! Keep the faster expiring products in front shelves Instead of having water run while you wash the dishes, soap everything and wash in one setting. Be aware how long you take the showers! If you have a lot of cans and non perishable foods, you can donate them to your local shelter!

6 Advocacy Advocating for certain cause is not as hard as it might look. Few examples would be 1st), to be a representation of the change. What did you do to advocate? 2nd), be a participant. Do something that would speak directly to a cause, this way raising awareness in public. 3) Spread a word in social media. While you might not be able to reach many people in person, there a many more people that you could reach online. 4) Make an educational event like a presentation or even a stand where you can directly speak about the cause and that way spread a word. 5) Another way to advocate is to support legislation and write to public officials

7 Service! Community Garden - great way to get a hands on experience on how difficult it is to grow food. Soup Kitchens- another great way to have direct service related to food. No food left behind! Water Walk- walk to advocate about water! Shelters/Nursing Homes/After school programs

8 Water Walk!

9 Stickers/Pins/T-shirt Sale
Fundraisers Themed Bake Sale Food Drive Stickers/Pins/T-shirt Sale Water Walk!

10 Organizations One of our largest partners: Also:
*You can support the local organizations that are not included here too

11 For additional information or questions:
Thank you! For additional information or questions: Ryan Coffey Sami Sharifiy

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