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Wayne State University Facilities Planning & Management

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Presentation on theme: "Wayne State University Facilities Planning & Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wayne State University Facilities Planning & Management
Budget Woes March 16, 2005

2 Michigan Public Universities

3 The Challenge Improve operational efficiency with diminishing resources Productivity & Responsiveness Maintenance (buildings & grounds) Custodial

4 Budget Impacts Funding Reductions Increased work load
General Expense Staffing Increased work load Service offerings Frequencies Increase in Utility Cost

5 General Fund Budget Dealing with the reduction in dollars

6 General Expense Reduction

7 Headcount Reduction

8 Headcount Reduction Management - 2 Supervisors - 2 Trades - 17
Custodial – 17 Grounds - 1 Administrative - 2

9 Budget Impacts General Fund Staffing FY2000 ($17,751,000)
Decrease of $1,349,000 (Decrease of 7.5%) Staffing FY2000 (408 FTE) FY2004 (377 FTE) Decrease of 31 FTE’s (Decrease of 7.6%)

10 Campus Impact General Fund Building Square Footage
FY2000 (6,624,594 sq. ft.) FY2005 (7,737,120 sq. ft.) Net Increase of 1,112,526 sq. ft. 17% increase

11 New Programs New Construction Fitness Center Law School Expansion
Pharmacy Welcome Center Parking Structure #6 Bookstore North Hall South Hall The Towers

12 New Programs New Acquisitions 1011 E. Ferry 110 E. Warren
101 E. Alexandrine (Lease) 5057 Woodward

13 New Programs Other Perinatal Research Branch (Mott Center)

14 APPA Peer Comparison National Benchmarking Survey
Conducted by APPA in 2000 165 Respondents 50 Carnegie research institutions

15 APPA Peer Comparison Benchmark Measurement
Facilities Operating Expenditures by Gross Square Feet Data 10th Percentile - $1.51 Wayne State University - $2.25 Carnegie Research Group Avg. - $3.33 90th Percentile - $5.79 Best Practice Recommendation $ $8.00

16 APPA Peer Comparison Benchmark Measurement
Facilities Operating Expenditures by Gross Square Feet Data Wayne State University - $2.25 FY04 reduced by 8% to $2.07


18 Do More With Less Strategies
Organizational Restructuring Assigned Zone Directors Engineers and Custodians Research and Medical Campus Administration, Classrooms, Auxiliary Assigned Trades Director Eliminated managers Promoted trades team leaders Redefined trades work assignments

19 Customer Service Initiative
Division of Finance and Administration FP&M Fiscal Operations Business Operations Human Resources Objective Understand the purpose Identify roles and responsibilities Understand the need to work together Begin to recognize diversity

20 Process Improvements Customer Service Initiatives
Maintenance Work Orders Averaged 58% of work orders complete in 14 days Increase of 138% from 2001 Backlog of 910 work orders Reduction of 34% from 2001 Preventive Maintenance Reduced service calls by 10% after 1st year Reduced HVAC repair cost by $150K after 1st year

21 Operating Efficiencies
Energy Conservation Scott Hall Project Performance Contract - $850,000 Lighting Retrofit Steam Trap Replacements VAV conversion Energy efficient motors ECM’s Over $1.1 million in project savings annually

22 Energy Conservation Measures (ECM’s)
Lighting Retrofits Building Automation System Night set-back scheduling Temperature set points Heating and cooling Delay cooling system start-up Chiller Replacements Steam v.s. Electric Steam system repairs Steam traps Heat exchangers Insulation

23 Operating Efficiencies
Energy Intensity Electricity (kWh) + Gas (MCF) + Steam (Mlb) converted to KBTU Divide Total by Square Feet Measure of overall energy input annually

24 Operating Efficiencies

25 In Progress TMA System Core Management Maintenance Work Orders
Preventive Maintenance Inventory efficiencies Core Management Custodial operation improvements

26 On The Horizon Anticipated for FY06 Higher Education budget reduction

27 Questions

28 Contacts Angela Strickland Director of Business Services
Phone: (313) Mike Simmons Director of Facilities Operations Phone: (313)

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