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Interview DOs & DONTs by Dr.Selvakumaran.

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Presentation on theme: "Interview DOs & DONTs by Dr.Selvakumaran."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interview DOs & DONTs by Dr.Selvakumaran

2 INTER-VIEW Meaning of Interview- inner/ inside- view
Trying to know oneself Self examination Estimating the worth of the candidate Trying to look at the suitability of the person Examining the capacity of the person

3 Interview Dos Resume is correct and updated with current information
Be honest in your answers and in your resume Dress appropriately and conservatively- to show that you are serious Be sure of the time and location of the interview

4 Interview Dos Be there before 15 minutes of the commencement of the interview Be respectful and respected- this may influence on you while deciding Be sure you listen carefully to the interviewers’ name and pronunciation. Always refer to them by title such as Mr., Mrs. and Dr

5 Interview Dos Maintain good eye contact
Stay attentive and avoid fitgeting( fingers) Avoid slouching in your seat Be meticulous in your responses Try to use specific and truthful examples about your experiences Be prepared to discuss the detail about your resume

6 Interview Dos Be prepared to ask relevant questions to Interviewers
Do research on the company Check their website- this shows that you are interested At the end – thank the interviewer and ask the next procedure Within five days- write a thank-you note and personal note.

7 Interview DONT's

8 Interview DON’Ts Do not just rely on computer’s spell check- grammar and spelling Don’t make negative comments about your previous employers or employment /Successors Don’t chew gum or smell like smoke – personal appearance is very important Do not be late or unprepared- if so, it shows that you are uninterested

9 Interview DON’Ts Do not allow your cell phone to ring
Avoid even bringing the mobile inside the building Do not ask about the salary and benefits until the issue is brought up – money minded You can speak about salary on the second meeting if not discussed in the first interview

10 Interview DON’Ts Do not be rigid while answering
Note : Expect to be treated with respect. Questions regarding race, sex, color, religion, national origin, birthplace, age, disability, and marital/family status are illegal and should not be asked by any employer. You may choose to answer the question, change the subject, answer the intent of the question, or refuse to answer the question. If you are asked these questions, consider whether or not you would really want to work in this organization.


12 DRESS FOR MEN Neck-tie should be silk with a conservative pattern
Dark shoes (black lace-ups are best) Dark socks (black is best) Get a haircut; short hair always fares best in interviews No beards (unless you are interviewing for a job as a lumberjack!) Mustaches are a possible negative, but if you must, make sure it is neat and trimmed No rings other than wedding ring or college ring No earrings (if you normally wear one, take it out) No Perfume Be Natural

13 DRESS FOR WOMEN Always wear a suit with a jacket; no dresses
Shoes / Chapel with conservative heels Conservative hosiery at or near skin color (and no runs!) No purses, small or large; carry a briefcase instead If you wear nail polish (not required), use clear or a conservative color Minimal use of makeup (it should not be too noticeable) No more than one ring on each hand One set of earrings only Avoid Gold Jewells Perfumes and Flowers (Bouquet / Single) And also Ringing Ornaments


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