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Strategically Aligning Forms Management with Corporate Initiatives

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Presentation on theme: "Strategically Aligning Forms Management with Corporate Initiatives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategically Aligning Forms Management with Corporate Initiatives
4/30/2019 Strategically Aligning Forms Management with Corporate Initiatives Ray H. Killam, CFSP, CFC Essociates Group, Inc 4/30/2019

2 Corporate Strategy Mission Vision Values Objectives Goals
What is the Corporate Mission Statement? Vision Has the CEO established a Vision Statement? Values Sets the tone Objectives What Corporate Objectives are published? Goals List the 3-4 major Corporate goals – include your line management 4/30/2019

3 Department Strategy Mission Vision Objectives Goals Budget 4/30/2019

4 Department Mission Department Mission Support the company mission
Focus on revenue generation and customer retention Don’t forget cost reduction Define the value proposition 4/30/2019

5 Department Vision Establish your view of what the department will look like in the future Trends, technologies Develop scenarios based on technological change – be a Visionary Define expected benefits to the company Cost avoidance, enhanced reputation, industry leader Be the resource person for your area of expertise 4/30/2019

6 Department Objectives
Provide definitions and gain agreement Align with Document Management Align with Records Management Align with Information Technology Align with Financial Management Define limitations and risks Learn the technology 4/30/2019

7 Department Goals Must be specific, realistic, measurable and with a time frame Must be relevant and important Generally shorter term Calculate ROI on everything Projects Equipment and software Personnel costs 4/30/2019

8 Department Goals (Cont)
Report on progress every month Include a continuing education plan for yourself and your people Have a succession plan (for when you get promoted!) 4/30/2019

9 Budget Develop a line item budget Develop an Activity-based budget
Make sure they balance Keep them current 4/30/2019

10 Establishing Metrics Determine management requirements
Measure progress daily Acquire proper tools Build a Style Guide and Program Manual 4/30/2019

11 Developing a Reporting System
Track what is important This means what is important to management and customers (internal and external) Gain agreement every step of the way You cannot manage that which you do not measure 4/30/2019

12 Developing a Database Establish entities and relationships
Logical design Physical design 4/30/2019

13 Putting It Together Regular reviews
Use the database to identify opportunities Macro Analysis Regular Analysis Ad Hoc Analysis Up the Management Ladder Get as high as you can as often as you can with your results Modify all the above after each review to stay in alignment 4/30/2019

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