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Board and executive governance structure

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1 Board and executive governance structure
Accountability Board of Directors Monthly e.g. Theatre Review Group As required e.g. Governance Review Group Nomination and Remuneration Committee Quarterly Audit Committee Quality and Risk Committee SMT: Clinical Governance Finance and Performance Committee SMT: Business Development SMT: Human Resources Business Unit Performance Reviews Executive Management Team Clinical Cabinet Trust Leadership Forum Corporate Trustee Annually Charity Committee Statutory Assurance Advisory Review

2 Appendix 2: Annual board meetings schedule
Apr. May Jun. July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. BoD business meeting BoD seminar sessions BoD away-day BoD as corporate trustee of charity Audit Nom. & Rem. F&P ? Q&R Charity CoG

3 Appendix 3: Board resource and support allocation
Board of Directors Audit Committee Nomination and Remuneration Committee Financial and Operational Performance Committee Quality and Risk Committee Charity Committee Chair: Beryl Hobson John Thornton L. Porter (to Sept) B. Hobson (from Oct) Ginny Colwell Lester Porter NED members: Ian Playford ED members: Chief Executive Medical Director Director of Nursing Director of Finance None – statutory committee Other board-level attendees: Director of HR/OD Director of Operations (Company Secretary) Governor Representative: Brian Goode (to Sept.) Chris Orman (to Sept.) Tony Martin Brian Beesley Secretariat: Company Secretary and Deputy Company Secretary Deputy Company Secretary Company Secretary Executive Assistant to the Director of Finance Executive Assistant to the Director of Nursing Charity Coordinator Meeting frequency: Monthly (alternating agenda from Oct.) Quarterly Monthly Quarterly ( to Sept.) Monthly (from Oct.) Time commitment (not including preparation) 1 day per month 11 months per year ½ day per quarter ¼ day per quarter ¼ day per month 11 months per year? ¼ day per quarter/month ¼ per quarter

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