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Malaria is a major public health problem in South Sudan,it is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, accounting 20% to 40% of all who visited to health.

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Presentation on theme: "Malaria is a major public health problem in South Sudan,it is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, accounting 20% to 40% of all who visited to health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Malaria is a major public health problem in South Sudan,it is a major cause of morbidity and mortality, accounting 20% to 40% of all who visited to health facilities and 30% of all hospital admission. The South Sudan malaria vector control strategy gives priority to 3 main prevention intervention: 1- Indoor residual spraying with insecticide 2 –The use of insecticide treated nets. 3-Enviromantal management and other preventions material.

2 -in greater NBEG the numbers of LLIN mass distribution conducted since independence are 2 campaigns, the first one was 2012(500000 LLIN) and second in 2015 (650000LLIN) Distribution of net based on WHO recommended 1 net to 1-2 people and 2 nets to 3-5 people, 3 nets to 10 people All campaigns were being conducted by MC in collaboration with Ministry of Health.

3 Objective of LLIN free distribution To ensure that 85 % of population at risk are protected by recommended prevention method as a part of integrated vector control strategy that utilize all approaches including LLIN and other preventions methods.

4 LLIN Mass Campaign in Greater NBG 2019 Stakeholder planning meeting was the first step of LLIN campaign, county and payam meeting based on former NBEG State (former 5 counties,37 payams and 169 bomas) The numbers of LLIN for this campaign are( 700000 LLIN) this numbers are based on projected population of( 2019 ) census Data from NBS Republic of South Sudan. This campaign will targeted households 1 net to 2 people and 2 Nets to 4 people in the household.

5 After LLIN TOT training for county technical officers and distribution assistants the training of volunteers will take place. House hold registration, tallying,movement of nets to the distribution points,nets distribution then hang it and used it. PSI as principal recipient will transport the Nets to the state. MC together with SMOH will distribute the Nets

6 Prevention is batter than cure Shukuran Jazeelan Victoria Anok Reec Kuol Malaria Focal Point –SMOH-Aweil State

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