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KS4 Information Evening

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1 KS4 Information Evening
Tonight we will discuss… New GCSEs Effective strategies for supporting students through KS4

2 New GCSEs Harder! Less coursework More exams at the end of Y11:
2016 = 18 exams; 24 hours 2021 = 23 exams; 33 hours More to revise


4 Reporting home Today: settling in check:
Learner Scores, Improvement codes and Praise comments How positive a start has been made to GCSE courses?

5 Celebrating these skills: Praise Comments
thinks critically and analyses effectively shows great creativity in their work always works hard and focuses on all classwork tasks gives time and thought to homework is developing effective skills in independent learning produces written work that shows care and attention to detail always acts on advice to try to improve their work collaborates effectively with others is self-aware and thinks about the needs of other learners. contributes well and participates in class discussions always displays a positive attitude to their learning produces high quality written work is resilient and doesn’t give up on harder challenges has demonstrated effective strategies to revise for tests is willing to take risks and learn from them. undertakes independent wider research around the subject can make good progress on tasks, when they are focussed and paying attention has excellent active listening skills demonstrates consistently strong performance/practical skills

6 Improvement codes To be an even more effective learner, your child needs to: B Improve behaviour and not disrupt the learning of others C Improve quality of GCSE coursework D Meet all deadlines E Bring correct equipment F Get started on tasks promptly and keep going without reminders. H Improve quality of Homework I Take responsibility for learning and progress and give time to independent work to address gaps L Focus on their literacy and ensure they proofread and edit work. M Act on marking and feedback O Work more effectively when collaborating with others P Participate by making more contributions to class discussion Q Improve the quality of written work R Be more resilient and stick at tasks S Use more effective revision strategies T Be more prepared to take risks W Undertake wider research around the subject Z Work harder and give more time, care and attention to tasks.

7 Timetable Collapse Overview
Students were briefed on the new GCSEs and the skills they need for the new style exams together as a year group. Students completed a variety of activities lead by their form tutor. These included: Study habits Time management skills Note taking skills They also got the chance to reflect on their progress check.

8 Good Study Habits 5. Start studying when planned. You may delay starting your studying because you don't like an assignment or think it is too hard (procrastination). If you procrastinate for any reason, you may rush to make up the time you wasted getting started, resulting in careless work and mistakes. 6. Work on the task you find most difficult first. Your most difficult task will require the most effort. Start this first as this is when you have the most mental energy. 7. Review your notes before beginning an task. Reading through your notes can help you make sure you are doing the task correctly. 8. Remove distractions. Move your phone away from you when you work, and/or tell your friends you’re working so you can’t be contacted. Avoid any devices like phones/iPad/ X-Box/ TV and avoid all social media until you meet your goal. SWCH OFF! 9. Ask for help! Always or message someone to ask for help, rather than sitting there worrying about it. 10. Review your work over the weekend. Recapping your work weekly will help you to remember it for the next lesson, and ultimately for your final exams in year 11 Good Study Habits 1. Try not to do too much studying at one time. If you try to do too much studying at one time, you will tire and your studying will not be very effective. Space the work you have to do over shorter periods of time. Taking short breaks will restore your mental energy. 2. Plan specific times for studying. Study time is any time you are doing something related to schoolwork. Schedule specific times throughout the week for your study time. 3. Try to study at the same times each day. Studying at the same times each day establishes a routine that becomes a regular part of your life, just like sleeping and eating. When a scheduled study time comes up during the day, you will be mentally prepared to begin studying. 4. Set specific goals for their study times. Goals will help you stay focused and monitor your progress. You must be very clear about what you want to accomplish during your study times. !

9 Planning your time… 1. Try not to do too much studying at one time.
2. Plan specific times for studying. 3. Try to study at the same times each day N.B. Students should be keeping hold of ALL exercise books…

10 Good working environment…

11 Year 9 expectations of homework (12-16 hours a fortnight)
Working effectively… 4. Set specific goals for their study times 5. Start studying when planned. 6. Work on the task you find most difficult first Year 9 expectations of homework (12-16 hours a fortnight)

12 7. Review your notes before beginning an task

13 8. Remove distractions…


15 Settling in Check Published today. All students have seen this and have a copy in their planner (page 27-28) In students’ planners (page 30), all students have reflected on their Settling in Check. They have been asked to set appropriate targets based on their most frequent comment codes – all students received example targets for each comment code. Please discuss this with your child and sign the bottom of page 30. Students do not have target grades or forecast grades at this point This Progress Check is about them as a leaner.

16 Resilience Stay Positive Practise Persist Persevere Stay involved
Don’t give up Fail well

17 Think of the brain as a muscle
Your IQ isn’t fixed: the more you challenge your mind to learn, the more your brain cells grow You can do things today that you couldn’t do yesterday


19 Natural ability vs Practice makes perfect


21 Growth Feedback DO Praise effort
Interpret setbacks as due to lack of effort or inappropriate strategies. Talk about mistakes and what they will do differently next time. Avoid Attributing success to innate intelligence (‘You’re so clever’) describing yourself with fixed mindset language (eg ‘I was never good at Maths’) Encouraging them to go for the easy option

22 Here’s to success at KS4! As ever, we are here to help support your children and you. You can contact us in the following ways: Subject specific queries Subject teachers or ACs (see website/handbook) Pastoral concerns Form Tutor Serious concerns YAC SSO

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