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Bill of Rights Chapter 4 Section 1 and 2.

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1 Bill of Rights Chapter 4 Section 1 and 2

2 *What is the Bill of Rights? *Why was the Bill of Rights added to the
The first ten amendments to the Constitution. They protect the individual rights of citizens. *Why was the Bill of Rights added to the U.S.Constitution? Because the American people were afraid of the government having too much power. Many states agreed to ratify (approve) the Constitution ONLY if a Bill of Rights was added to protect the rights of citizens.

3 Amending the Constitution
The process for amending the Constitution is difficult because the Framers did not want a lot of changes. However, changes are sometimes necessary. Amending the Constitution is a two step process: Proposal Ratification Diagram on page 85

4 Amending the Constitution
1. Proposal A. Congressional action- a vote of 2/3 of both Houses of Congress B. National Convention- requested by 2/3’s of the State Legislatures. 2. Ratification A. By a vote of the state legislature B. By a vote of the state convention **¾’s of the States must ratify an amendment for it to be placed in the Constitution.

5 1st Amendment Gives citizens rights including free speech, free religion, free press, the right to assemble peaceably, and the right to petition the government There are limits to the 1st amendment Libel= lies in print Slander= lies spoken Can’t yell “Fire,” in a crowded room if there is not one because you endanger the lives of others.

6 2nd – Citizens have the right to own guns.
3rd – Citizens cannot be forced to house soldiers in their homes. 7th – Citizens have a right to a jury trial in civil matters. 9th – Citizens rights are not limited only to those listed in the Bill of Rights. For example, people have the right to privacy in their homes, financial records, and medical records. 10th – Any power not given to federal government is given to the state governments.

7 Rights of the Accused 4th – Government cannot search or seize anything from your home without a warrant. 5th – A person cannot be put on trial without an indictment by a grand jury. Citizens cannot face double jeopardy. Every citizen has the right to due process. Citizens are protected from self-incrimination 6th – Citizens have the right to a speedy trial by jury and to know the charges against them. 8th – Citizens cannot be forced to pay excessive bail or fines. They cannot be cruel or unusually punished.

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