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Warm Up – January 28 Answer the following questions on a post-it: 1. How did the House of Burgesses in Jamestown and the Mayflower Compact in Plymouth.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up – January 28 Answer the following questions on a post-it: 1. How did the House of Burgesses in Jamestown and the Mayflower Compact in Plymouth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up – January 28 Answer the following questions on a post-it: 1. How did the House of Burgesses in Jamestown and the Mayflower Compact in Plymouth illustrate the desire of the colonists to not replicate the government in Britain? 2. What is salutary neglect? How did the shift from salutary neglect to mercantilism begin the path to the American Revolution? 3. Explain the different views of government of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes

2 Unit 1: Foundations of government
The Declaration of Independence

3 Second Continental Congress
Colonists meet in Philadelphia in 1775 to discuss the issue of independence.

4 Second Continental Congress
The colonists were split on the issue of becoming an independence nation. Loyalists - wanted to remain loyal to England, because they were English citizens Patriots favored independence and thought the colonists could win the war. Argued “No taxation without representation”

5 Second Continental Congress
Jan 1776-Thomas Paine writes Common Sense This pamphlet called for complete independence from England Said it was “Common Sense” to break way from a tyrannical government This swayed public opinion on the issue of independence Many delegates also agreed with Paine, this led to the drafting of the Declaration of Independence.

6 Declaration of Independence
Written by Thomas Jefferson at the Second Continental Congress in 1776 Jefferson borrowed ideas from John Locke when writing the Declaration; government’s job was to protect each individual’s natural rights – life, liberty, property – if the gov’t failed to do this then people had the right to overthrow the gov’t and get one that would protect their natural rights

7 Declaration of Independence

8 Declaration of Independence
Four Parts: 1. Preamble – the introduction 2. Natural Rights – describing that the government’s job is to protect each individual’s natural rights 3. Grievances – complaints about the King of England 4. Resolution for Independence – the conclusion, the explanation that the colonists have no choice but to declare their independence

9 TOD – January 28 Answer the following questions on the same post it as the warm up: 1. Describe the difference between a citizen, a refugee, an alien and an immigrant 2. How were colonists divided at the Second Continental Congress? 3. How did Thomas Paine help to sway public opinion in favor of going to war against the British? 4. What three natural rights did John Locke believe every individual was entitled to? What document did he influence? 5. What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? What were its four parts?

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