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GovCamp QLD 2012 Different approaches to mobile app development.

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Presentation on theme: "GovCamp QLD 2012 Different approaches to mobile app development."— Presentation transcript:

1 GovCamp QLD 2012 Different approaches to mobile app development

2 Overview 1.The case for mobile 2.Native app 3.HTML5 based app 4.Mobile website 5.Hybrid solution

3 The case for mobile


5 Mobile traffic





10 Mobile = mobile app?

11 Native app development Youd be forgiven for thinking that apps are all there is to mobile web. But actually thats like saying Everest is all there is to mountain climbing. Apps are arguably the most difficult part of mobile web…

12 Is a mobile app the solution? App functionalityTime and budget Target audience(IT) Resources

13 Native app development

14 Cover flow, transitions, UI controls, etc

15 Native app development

16 Appcelerator Titanium Titanium is an OOJS development platform Provides additional native functionality Styling can be achieved similar to CSS Titanium Studio, Eclipse based editor with intellisence – coding and compiling a breeze Once compiled, JS code is translated into native code

17 Appcelerator Titanium Advantages: Easier to achieve native UI controls Better performance Support for iOS and Android Disadvantages: License fee negotiation required Proper OO coding is needed No RIM (yet), Symbian or WP7 support

18 MoSync MoSync is C++ based Covers all 7 mobile platforms Free license under GPL Once compiled, C++ code is translated into native code

19 HTML5 based app development

20 PhoneGap Used for HTML5 based web application Inherent functionality for geo-location, camera, accelerometer, notifications, etc Capability of adding custom functionality into the library Great for embedding a mobile website in an app and adding device-specific functionality

21 PhoneGap Advantages: Easier testing in browser Support for more mobile platforms: iOS, Android, RIM, WebOS, WP7, Symbian, Bada MIT license (free) Disadvantages: Lower UX and performance Poor native support

22 Mobile website

23 Adaptive design, responsive design, media queries

24 Mobile website Adaptive design, responsive design, media queries

25 Hybrid solution

26 Hybrid (Native + HTML5)

27 Hybrid solution Appcelerator Titanium with webview & HTML5

28 Hybrid solution Advantages: Time saving Cost saving Disadvantages: Lower performance

29 Comparison

30 One size does not fit all App functionalityTime and budget Target audience(IT) Resources

31 Tim Hill Feel free to get in touch: Twitter: @timhill22 Email: Tel: 02 8394 6888 Web:

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