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Anticonvulsants & Anxiolytics

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1 Anticonvulsants & Anxiolytics
Rishi Gandhewar  24/03/19

2 Overview Anticonvulsants SBAs Anxiolytics ARQ & SAQ Feedback
Ask them what they want to focus on etc. Any general questions Focus bit more on Anxiolytics (Anticonvulsants is Sohag)

3 LOs: Anti-Convulsants
Seizures: recognise the different seizure types Anti-convulsants: recognise that anti-convulsant therapy is determined by the seizure type coupled with pharmacodynamics/pharmacokinetic properties of specific anti-convulsant drugs What do they want you to know… What the different types of seizures are Which drug which seizure & WHY

4 What is a seizure? “sudden changes in behaviour caused by electrical hypersynchronization of neuronal networks in the cerebral cortex” Massive Jolt in Brain Activity caused by neurons being activated altogether Diagnosis: EEG MRI

5 Seizure Types - Definitions
Seizure types & Symptoms Tonic-clonic seizures: loss of consciousness  muscle stiffening  jerking/twitching  deep sleep  wakes up Absence seizures: brief staring episodes with behavioural arrest Tonic/atonic seizures: sudden muscle stiffening/sudden loss of muscle control Myoclonic seizures: sudden, brief muscle contractions Status epilepticus: > 5 min of continuous seizure activity

6 Seizure Types - Framework
Jacksonian Seizure begins as a partial seizure and spreads to become a generalised seizure

7 Neuron Types Glutaminergic GABAergic

8 Glutamate Inhibition

9 Glutamate Inhibition

10 Pharmacology – Na Channel Blockers
Carbamazepine Pharmacodynamics Stabilises inactive state of Na+ channel  reducing neuronal activity Pharmacokinetics Enzyme inducer Onset of activity within 1 hour 16-30 hour half-life Indications Tonic-clonic seizures; partial seizures NB: potential severe side-effects (SJS & TEN) in individuals with HLA-B*1502 allele Lamotrigine Inactivates Na+ channels  reducing glutamate neuronal activity 24-34 hour half-life Tonic-clonic seizures; absence seizures

11 Pharmacology – Na Channel Blockers
Carbamazepine Stabilises inactive state Inducer Give w/in 1 hour Indications Tonic-clonic seizures; partial seizures NB: potential severe side-effects (SJS & TEN) in individuals with HLA- B*1502 allele Lamotrigine Inactivates Na+ channels Tonic-clonic seizures; absence seizures

12 Pharmacology – VG-CCB Ethosuximide
T-type Ca2+ channel antagonist  reduces activity in relay thalamic neurones Pharmacokinetics Long half-life (50 hours) Indications Absence seizures

13 Pharmacology – VG-CCB Ethosuximide
T-type Ca2+ channel antagonist (Relay Thalamic Ns) Indications Absence seizures

14 Pharmacology – Glutamate Exocytosis & Receptors
Levetiracetam Pharmacodynamics Binds to synaptic vesicle associated protein (SV2A)  preventing glutamate release Pharmacokinetics Fast-onset (1 hour); half-life (10 hours) Indications Myoclonic seizures Topiramate Inhibits NMDA & kainate receptors Also affects VGSCs & GABA receptors Fast-onset (1 hour); long half-life (20 hours)

15 Pharmacology – Glutamate Exocytosis & Receptors
Levetiracetam Binds SV2A W/in 1hr Indications Myoclonic seizures Topiramate Inhibits NMDA & kainate receptors

16 Glutamate Inhibition - Overview

17 GABA Enhancement Neurotransmission
GABA can be released tonically & also following neuronal stimulation GABA activates inhibitory post-synaptic GABAA receptors GABAA receptors are chloride (Cl-) channels  membrane hyperpolarisation GABA is taken up by GAT & metabolised by GABA transaminase (GABA-T)

18 GABA Enhancement GABA Tonic & Stimulated release Inhibitory
GABAA rec = Cl- channels  hyperpolarisation Reuptake – GAT Metabolism – GABA-T

19 Pharmacology – GABA Diazepam Sodium Valproate Pharmacodynamics
GABA receptor, PAM  increases GABA-mediated inhibition Pharmacokinetics Rectal gel - Fast-onset (within 15 min); half-life (2 hours) Indications Status epilepticus Sodium Valproate Inhibits GABA transaminase  increases GABA-mediated inhibition Fast onset (1h); half-life (12h) Indicated for ALL forms of epilepsy

20 Pharmacology – GABA Diazepam Sodium Valproate
GABA- PAM (positive allosteric modulator) enhances GABA effect Rectal gel - 15 min onset Indications Status epilepticus Sodium Valproate Inhibits GABA-T Fast onset (1h) Indicated for ALL forms of epilepsy

21 Which Drug, When?

22 Which Drug, When?

23 Which Drug, When?

24 SBA 1 A patient complains about their body going ‘tight and then loose’ and this lasts for a couple of minutes but they remain conscious. What type of seizure is this person having? a) Tonic-Clonic b) Complex Partial c) Myoclonic d) Tonic-Atonic e) Status Epilleticus

25 SBA 1 A patient complains about their body going ‘tight and then loose’ and this lasts for a couple of minutes but they remain conscious. What type of seizure is this person having? a) Tonic-Clonic b) Complex Partial c) Myoclonic d) Tonic-Atonic e) Status Epilleticus

26 SBA 2 A patient seen in A&E is suffering a seizure- including fitting and jerking lasting 10 minutes Which medication is most appropriate a) Topiramate b) Ethosuximide c) Valproate d) Carbamazepine e) Diazepam [Test yourself by trying to remember what types of seizures the other drugs are used to treat]

27 SBA 2 A patient seen in A&E is suffering a seizure- including fitting and jerking lasting 10 minutes Which medication is most appropriate a) Topiramate b) Ethosuximide c) Valproate d) Carbamazepine e) Diazepam [Test yourself by trying to remember what types of seizures the other drugs are used to treat]

28 Anxiolytics - LOs GABA: identify the processes (e.g. receptors, transporters & enzymes) involved in GABAergic central neurotransmission Drugs targeting GABA: list the principal clinical uses and adverse effects of drugs acting on the GABAergic system and explain how pharmacokinetic differences determine clinical use

29 What is the difference between anxiolytics & sedatives/hypnotics?
Anxiolytic = Anxiety ( mental/physical activity) Sedatives = mental/physical activity ( consciousness) Hypnotics = Induce Sleep zzzZZZZ

30 Anxiolytics vs Sedatives & Hypnotics
Anxiolytics are LONG-acting diluted action, lasting the whole day Diazepam, Oxazepam (1/2 life- 8h) Sedative & Hypnotics are SHORT-acting concentrated action, quick onset Oxazepam, Temazepam (1/2 life- 28h) BOTH enhance GABA transmission, which reduces excitation  Calmness Way to remember is: Anxiolytics has more letters than Sedatives or Hypnotics

31 GABA Most important INHIB. NT in the brain
Short Interneurons + some longer (nigrostriatal tract) Pre-/Post-synaptic Functions: Motor, Extrapyramidal, Emotional, Endocrine


33 GABA agonists should… Safety/ Pre-Effect: Wide margin, not interact with other drugs Effect: Not depress Respiration & should produce Natural Sleep (hypnotics) Post-Effect: Hangovers, Dependence


35 GABA Storage & Release: Stored at GABAergic vesicles (AP  Exocytosis)
Inactivation: Rapid Re-uptake at Pre-synaptic Membranes & Glial Cells (via GAT) Reuptake is dependent on Na+/ATP therefore saturable Metabolism:

36 GABA receptors! GABA-A GABA-B Type 1 (Pentameric Ionotropic)
Type 2 (Gi) Cl- influx  Hyper-polarised Decrease cAMP Inhibitory Post Synaptic Potential (IPSP) Decreased Ca2+ conductance  decreased exocytosis Agonist – GABA, Muscimol Antagonist- Bicuculline Agonist – Baclofen Antagonist - Saclofen Hyper-polarisation means the membrane is more stable and therefore requires more stimulation for an AP to propagate

37 GABA-A complex

38 GABA in the GABA-A complex
Activation of the GABA receptor: Directly opens the Cl- channel Links to BDZ receptor via GM Potentiates the BDZ receptor (BARB rec NOT involved)

39 BDZ in the GABA-A receptor
Activation of the BDZ receptor: Potentiates the GABA receptor Links to GABA receptor via GM Can open the Cl- channel at high concentrations (BARB rec NOT involved)

40 BARB in the GABA-A receptor
Activation of the BARB receptor: Potentiates the GABA receptor Potentiates the BDZ receptor Can open the Cl- channel at high concentrations (GM NOT involved)

41 Benzodiazepines & Barbiturates
How do they work? PAMs! (Positive Allosteric Modulators) This means they enhance the normal activity of GABA rather than opening the Chlorine Channel Directly

42 Benzodiazepines & Barbiturates
What is the difference between the two? BDZ BARBs Increase frequency Cl- channel opens Increase duration Cl- channel remains open Anxiolytics, Anti-spastic Surgical Anaesthesia, Sedative/Hypnotic 1st choice drug – SAFE NOT 1st choice drug – Unwanted side effects Non-inducer Inducer Oxazepam (8h), Diazepam (32h) Amobarbital, Phenobarbitone

43 Other drugs to be aware of…
Sedatives/Hynotics: Zopiclone Anxiolytics: SSRIs Anticonvulsants (Valproate, Tiagabine) Antipsychotics (Olanzapine, Quetiapine) Beta-blockers (Propranolol) Buspirone (Serotonin receptor agonist)

44 ARQ 1 A: BDZs always open the Cl- channel directly
R: BDZs enhance the effect of GABA a) TT – assertion explains reason b) TT – assertion does not explain reason c) TF d) FF e) FT

45 ARQ 1 A: BDZs always open the Cl- channel directly
R: BDZs enhance the effect of GABA a) TT – assertion explains reason b) TT – assertion does not explain reason c) TF d) FF e) FT

46 SAQ 1 List 6 ideal features of GABA agonists for clinical use.

47 SAQ 1 List 6 ideal features of GABA agonists for clinical use. (Pre-effect) 1. Wide margin of safety 2. Does not interact with other drugs (Effect) 3. Does not depress respiration 4. Induces normal sleep (Post-Effect) 5. No hangover 6. No dependence

48 FEEDBACK (please)

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