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Management Plan Rachel Lord
A script for the first day of school
Before school starts: Stand up students name cards on each desk Put supply box on each desk Turn on all electronics that may be needed for the day and get everything prepared that may be needed for the day. Write Essential Question on the board and post standards on the board. Have music playing to welcome students. Play student survey on the desks. Greet each student at the door: Tell each student good morning and greet them with a smile Tell each student to hang their book bags on the hooks, put their lunches on the shelf, get their supplies out and place them on the empty table, and begin their student survey. Welcome students to class: Once every student has entered the room I will introduce myself to the class I will tell the students about myself (where I grew up, husband, kitties, etc.) I will tell the students what made me want to become a teacher and I will tell them that I am so excited to get to know them this year. I will tell the students why I want to teach Talk about classroom procedures: I will go over classroom rules (if there are any). The rules will depend on what age group I have in my classroom. We will go over how we come into the room. Each student will be expected to come into the classroom and place their book bags on the hooks, their homework or folders in the basket, and have a seat at their desks. The students will be told that they will not be doing the same thing every day once they have a seat at their desks. Next, I will explain daily procedures like going to the bathroom, lunchroom, and specials (explained in depth in the following slides). Explain Interactive’s Notebooks: I will tell the students that this year we will be doing interactive notebooks and today we will be decorating the first page of the book any way they want to! While students begin to decorate their interactive notebooks I will be handing out their folders that they will use to take their papers home to their parents.
Introductory Letters
Bathroom Routines When students go to the bathroom they will be expected to walk out into the hall quietly and in a orderly fashion. Once the students get to the bathroom the girls will stand on one side of the hall and the boys will stand on the other side. (whatever side their bathrooms are on) I will let as many girls and boys go in the restroom as there are bathrooms. Once the boys and girls come out of the bathroom I will hold the soap and give them each some so they can wash their hands. After washing and drying their hands, the students will get water and line up quietly and in an orderly fashion.
Hallway Expectations When students walk into the hallway they will be expected to walk quietly and in a orderly fashion. I will line students up by their groups or by the groups of desks they sit in. Depending on the grade, I will have a star student that leads the line and a star student that is the caboose for the line. If any students are acting up in the line I will ask the student, “Would you like to behave correctly or would you like to move to the end of the line? It’s your choice.”
Turning in homework Students will be asked to turn in their home in the “turn in bin.” There will be other bins by the homework bin where students can get extra copies of homework or assignments if they were out. There will also be a bin for “mail” that should go home to parents. I will tell the students that at the end of each school day they should check the bins for mail home and at the beginning of the day they should turn in their homework first thing in the morning. If homework is not turned in students will be graded accordingly. They have a choice as to if they want to do their homework or not.
Managing Materials The school supplies that students bring at the beginning of the year can take up a lot of space. Although the supplies are very appreciated I plan to organize them in my classroom as pictured below. The other supplies in the classroom will be managed by table. Students will have pencils, tapes, crayons, and markers at each of their tables. The children will be explicitly directed when to use the scissors, markers, crayons, and pencils.
Classroom jobs/duties
Instead of having classroom jobs I will have a star student girl and boy for each day. For other jobs around the classroom that I could use help with I will use the fair bucket to call on students to help me.
Entry/Morning Routines
I will meet students at the door every morning and tell each of them good morning. Students will drop their homework in the homework bin. Then, they will hang their book bags up on the hooks in the room. Students with lunches will put them on the shelf in the back of the room. Then, students will sit down and copy down any homework or notes that need to go in their agenda. I will go over attendance with the students. We will use attendance as a way to do a mini math lesson. Next we will go over lunch choices. Depending on the grade level we will do phonics with lunch choices.
End of day/dismissal routines
First, I will call one group at a time to get their backpacks, hook them on their chair, and continue to work for the last ten to fifteen minutes of the day. I will continue calling all the groups until everyone has their backpack. At this point, the students are still working independently and everyone will be ready when it is time to pack up. When the ten to fifteen minutes is up, I will ask the students to clear their desks and take out everything they need to go home. I will quickly review the night’s homework. Then, the students will begin to pack up and clean under their desks. I will call students to line up based on if they are car riders, bus riders, etc.
Lunch procedures/expectations We will line up quietly and in a orderly fashion. Students will be expected to get their milk and get their tray down with two hands. Students will be expected to memorize their lunch numbers and then follow the good choices listed below.
I will advise that students bring their water bottles to school everyday and a healthy snack. We will assign parents to bring a school snack each day of the week after recess. Students will be expected to clean up their area. Then, if the school allows for a rest period we will have that right after snack or lunch. Some students don’t enjoy rest time, but it is beneficial for students to decompress. For those students who don’t enjoy rest I will have an educational movie or some type of music playing. Students will be expected to be quiet during their rest period (taking a brain break).
Expectations Lesson expectations lesson.docx
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