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C-Notes: Drugs on Society

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1 C-Notes: Drugs on Society
Stnd: 2.2 A C-Notes: Drugs on Society 05/09/2014 Objective: SWBAT explain the impact of substance abuse on society.

2 What are the medical uses for drug abuse?
Opiates Can be medically used as pain killers Ex: Heroin, Opium, Morphine and Codeine 2. Amphetamines Can be medically used to treat neurological disorders and obesity 3. Depressants Can be medically used to treat anxiety Certain drugs have become popular among teens and young adults at dance clubs and raves.

3 What is the effect of substance abuse on society?
1. Spread of diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C through sharing needles, or having unprotected sex

4 2. CRIME What is the effect of substance abuse on society?
drug possession drug use drug trafficking drug manufacturing theft break and enter robbery motor vehicle theft

5 What is the effect of substance abuse on society?
3. Homelessness

6 What is the effect of substance abuse on unborn children?
Miscarriages Premature birth Low birth weight Birth defects Developmental problems A baby’s health problems, if caused by a drug will continue to grow as the child grows.

7 Why do people start using drugs?
Media Positive Reinforcement Boredom Curiosity Emotional Pressure Celebrations Peer Pressure Previous Drug use Dependence

8 What are the major risk factors that causes people to use drugs?
Friends who use drugs (#1 predictor of who will experiment with substance use) Family management problems poorly defined rules inconsistent application of rules lack of monitoring excessive discipline negative communication patterns poor anger management Absence of healthy recreational or leisure interests Early anti-social behavior (ex: aggression, hyperactivity, defiance)

9 What are the major risk factors that causes people to use drugs?
Parental drug use and positive attitude towards use Academic failure Little commitment to school Favorable attitude towards drug use Early 1st use of drugs Prenatal exposure to alcohol (FAS/E) Involvement to Alternative activities Sense of wellbeing and self-confidence

10 What are the protective factors that will prevent people from substance abuse?
Positive future plans Healthy coping strategies to deal with stress Positive attitude towards learning Knowledge about risks associated with substance use Negative attitude towards substance use Positive relationships with adults Friends disapprove of drugs and use

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