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Situation Briefing – Cyclone IDAI

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1 Situation Briefing – Cyclone IDAI
Friday 22 March, 2019

2 Agenda: Situation Overview Response Update Key Challenges
Coordination Update – Maputo & Field Coordination

3 Situation Overview – Cyclone IDAI
Prior to Making Landfall: 141,000 people, with 66 deaths recorded and 111 people injured; 17,100 people are estimated to be displaced in Zambezia and Tete, with 10 transit centres established in Zambezia and 2 in Tete. Tropical Cyclone Idai made landfall during the night of 14 to 15 March 2019: Sofala, Manica, Zambezia and Inhambane provinces have been hardest hit. At least 48 deaths being reported, expected to rise in the coming days.

4 Situation Overview – Cyclone IDAI
Highlights: Official death toll has risen to at least 242 people, according to the Government. At least 65,000 people are sheltering in more than 100 collective sites across Sofala (73 sites), Manica (18), Zambezia (10) and Tete (4); the majority are staying in schools and churches. According to Government figures: more than 17,400 houses have been totally destroyed (11,025), partially destroyed (4,363) or flooded (2,056) More than 385,300 hectares of crops have been damaged More than 2,800 classrooms and 39 health centres impacted by the cyclone and floods.

5 Situation Overview – Cyclone IDAI


7 20 March – Beira City


9 Immediate Response – Updates
Government has established a temporary medical centre at the port in Beira Authorities are activating mobile medical teams for Sofala, with five doctors deployed to each of Buzi, Guara Guara and Lamtana reception centres for people evacuated from Buzi who are staying in Beira, Casa dos Bicos and Inahina Access to clean water remains a challenge, seven generators arrived in Beira, with more generators – these have been used to re-established water supply Food Security partners have distributed more than 41,000MT of corn soya blend (CSB); 4.2 MT of high energy biscuits and water bottles that WFP and partners airdropped into flooded areas for stranded populations in the Buzi district WFP is also supporting INGC with food distributions in Zambezia province, targeting 10,000 people in accommodation centres.

10 Key Challenges: air capacity to move supplies – MI 8 landed yesterday
Road access to bring supplies in; main road routes have been cut due to flooding. Access to assess and assist populations surrounding Beira Town; additional locations cut off due to flooding

11 Field Coordination: Maputo Coordination:
Biera/Sofala Coordination: First step on ground, meet with OCHA at the operations center your arrival and connect with Cluster focal point on ground Cluster focal points being established Maputo Coordination: Daily Situation Briefings, 11 am UNDP Inter-Cluster Coordination Meetings/INGC Clusters - weekly meetings w/line ministries 4w Mapping of partner presence Quelimani/Zambezia Coordination: Inter-agency coordination currently being facilitated by Michael UNICEF in support of the INCG First step on ground meet with Michael, cluster focal points to be established in Quelimani, contacts will be circulated. Chimoio/Manica: Inter-agency coordination currently being facilitated by WFP/UNICEF in support of the INCG First step on ground meet with WFP/UNICEF


13 Cyclone IDAI Response – Registration Form
Todays Date: Staffing Capacity - List Number of Staff by Sector & Technical Expertise (ie. # of WASH staff; if there are engineers, # of nursing staff): Sectors: Number of staff by sector: Date of Arrival: Date of Departure: Technical Expertise: Contact Information- Name: ____________________________________________ Agency/Organization: ___________________________________________ Title: ____________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Whatsapp: ____________________________________________ Any staff reported missing on ground:

14 Cyclone IDAI Response – Registration Form
Supplies- -List of Items available in country (please specify exact location where they are located): -List of items to arrive in Mozambique (please specify date they arrive in country and where they are arriving from):

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