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The 1920’s A Return to Normalcy?.

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1 The 1920’s A Return to Normalcy?

2 “America’s present need is not heroics, but healing; not nostrums, but normalcy; not revolution, but restoration; not agitation, but adjustment; not surgery, but serenity; not the dramatic, but the dispassionate;… not submergence in internationality, but sustainment in triumphant nationality.” --- Warren G. Harding, Republican Presidential Candidate

3 President Warren G. Harding
Campaigned under slogan “A Return to Normalcy” He would bring America back to a the time when things were simpler, when America was not involved in foreign affairs and in the regulation of business. President (he died in office)

4 SCANDAL under Harding! Harding was not very intelligent and had no idea how difficult the job of President would be. He trusted others to make decisions for him. Ohio Gang: Harding’s poker playing friends that he consulted to make tough decisions. They were greedy and dishonest.

5 Teapot Dome Scandal Albert Fall, Secretary of the Interior, appointed by President Harding arranged for some of his oil buddies to lease some government land. Fall received a large kickback ($$) for the contracts and was eventually convicted of bribery. Fun Fact: Called Teapot Dome, because some of the land was in Teapot Dome, Wyoming.

6 Attorney General Daugherty resigned amid speculation of his role in the Teapot Dome Scandal

7 What object is used to represent the scandal?
According to the cartoon, what is the impact of the scandal?

8 You Tell Me: How do you think the American public felt when they heard about the scandals in President Harding’s administration?

9 Calvin Coolidge Harding’s Vice President, takes office when Harding Dies “Keep Cool with Coolidge” Election of 1924 slogan Very Pro-Business and anti-government regulation Believed business was the most important part of America and government should not regulate it. Which group of people do you think supports and favors Coolidge’s policies? Which group would likely be opposed?

10 Back to “Normal”? Nativism- Prejudice against foreign born people. Why do you think we see a rise in Nativism after WWI? Video Clip: The 20’s – Post War Intolerance

11 A. Mitchell Palmer and J. Edgar Hoover seek out Communists
1919 Palmer Raids

12 Sacco and Vanzetti Russian Art Work

13 KKK Anti-Immigration March in the 1920s


15 Scopes Monkey Trial (1925)



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